Chapter 7 📍

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   My eyes squinted as I saw how bright the sun was shining through my window. My alarm was giving me a headache. I looked to see Theo curled in a ball my with his arm around my arm. He look absolutely adorable. Soon he quickly look up and confused and threw his arm back immediately noticing where his arm was. I smiled at him. He looked at me and threw his head back on to the pillow and pulling the comforter over his head. I went over to his side of the bed and unplugged my phone and turned the alarm off. I went to go brush my teeth and fix my hair. I saw Theo get up and go through my closet and pick out a outfit of mine to wear to school. I looked at him and nodded. My hair was getting long. I never even noticed. I guess I kind gave up on the way I looked. I went to my closet and pick out a plain blackshirt and some grey jeans, hoping they would look okay together, and I bend down to get my vans that were in the bottom of my closet. Theo made his way to the bathroom and put deodorant on and brushed his hair and teeth. His hair was always messy but I always looked good messy, with pieces of his hair falling down over his face into his eye. He combed out his messy hair and brushed a little gel into to look like he kinda cared. He was wearing a white shirt with a big jean jacket and some black jeans. He had pretty good style. We went down to grab something fast to eat before school. I got a fig bar and he got a small bowl of cereal and downed it fast. I got my keys and got the car started, and we put our bags in the backseats. I waited to pull out. What are stiles and Scott going to think! They hate Theo, they don't trust them. If I were him I probably wouldn't trust him either, but I'm not them and I do trust Theo. They aren't going to approve of us being friends or even of him just staying one night, but I know Theo won't be going anywhere since he doesn't have anywhere to go. —-
I think for a second and realize someone who would make Theo's life a actual living hell.Brett. I completely forgot about Brett. He always is pissed at me for no reason but now that he knows that Theo and I are talking. I will be dead. I pulled out of the driveway and turned the radio on. "Hey Theo?" I say turning towards him.
"What about Scott and Stiles? What do I tell them?''
"Anything I guess."
"They are going to question me about lots of stuff."
"I knew the chances I was taking when I walked in your house Liam."He says shifting nervously.
"They are going to kill me, you don't understand."
" I do understand Liam."
"No you don't!" I snap.
"Nothing happened Liam, nothing that you can't tell them."
"You let me have somewhere to sleep, and gave me food, thats it Liam."
"Thats it" I mumbled. I rolled my eyes and got my bag. I marched through the parking lot in to the school. I looked behind me and Theo didn't follow me. I was slightly disappointed. I looked back and was going to continue walking but---Scott was there.Shit.
"Hey Liam."
"Um hey." I said a little to awkwardly. I guarantee Scott heard my heat beating was too fast for just talking to him.
"Are you nervous?"
"No--" I starting coughing gasping for air but I couldn't grasp any. Time slowed as I turned around to get more air. Everything was a blur as I started to get dizzy.
I started to run as I felt my ears getting hot and my eyes watering from coughing.
I went to my car but before I could open the door, everything started to get darker. I was struggling to stay awake, and I slowly started to fall. But someone caught me. For the last couple seconds I was conscious I looked up and saw messy hair covering his eye.


I woke up on Deatons metal table. I sat up fast and looked around. I saw Theo.

"Hey." He said worried. I could hear his heart beat steading.
"Why am I here?" I say as I started to get up but Theo pushed me gently back down.
"You need to stay still so your coughing doesn't get bad again."
"Why was I coughing, i'm not supposed to be able to get sick?"
"I don't know, Deaton is trying to figure that out."
"Where's Scott?" I ask slightly confused.
"He is with Deaton trying to figure this out."
"What did you tell him?"

"Most but not all, I though I would let you have some explaining." He smirked
"Of course you had to do that." I chuckled, slightly coughing after.

I started to relax and just listen but I wished I wasn't listening. "Scott this isn't good, I have no idea how he could've got this?" I tensed up as I listened more. "There has to be a explanation." "Well have you been anywhere lately, like Mexico?"
"Not recently, but yeah."
"Like when Kate was around still, so like almost a year ago."
"Was it when Liam was just turned?"
"Yeah."Scott says.

I stopped listening I couldn't take it anymore. Theo saw my expressions change so I know he knew that I was listening like he was.

"What do you think happened?"

"I wouldn't worry about it to much." He said.

"They seem very worried about it though."

"Well your his beta so he has to be worried, your practically his son."

I sighed as I started to get a sharp pain in my chest. I tried to grab onto something for pain but there was never to grasp so I moned in pain.

"Liam, are you okay." Theo said.

"No!" I said with my teeth clenched.

"GET SCOTT!" I yelled.

Theo ran to get Scott and Deaton. They rushed in as I grabbed my chest where is was burning in pain. I grabbed Theo's arm not noticing I've done it so I let go, but he grabbed my arm and put it where it was. I squeezed his arm as I was in pain. Deaton took my shirt off and saw a line moving up and down my chest. He grabbed a scalpel and cut in trying to chase after it. I growled loudly. Everyone looked at me in disablef in shook that I growled that loud. Soon enough I knew all are friends would be here soon.
Great now more people got to watch me in pain. Theo looked scared, more than before. I looked down at my chest and saw why. There was black veins scattered everywhere. My pain started to go down so they went back to do more research. Theo sat me up and got me a pillow and blanket from the back since I was freezing. Which was weird. He asked if I needed anything but I said I was fine. Now I was just bored, and it got kinda awkard for Theo and I. We been in silence for about a hour.
Scott came in.

"We are taking you to the hospital."Scott said.

Theo looked terrified since I knew what would happen if he were to walk in there.

"I'll go Liam, Ill be fine, you'll be fine." He made a half smile.


"Someone needs to tell my mom something."

"Already did that." Scott said.


Theo picked my up and sat me in Stiles Jeep. Stiles was in the drivers seat and Scott was in the passenger. I was on Theo's lap and he was brushing his thumb against me sweating face. He didn't know I was aware enough to notice his look in his eyes. They look scared, and sad, and most of all lost. And I lost conscionusness forgetting everything and everyone around me, except Theo.


Hope I feed your Thiam-ness for one day. This wasn't that much but I got 1K words again. And I will do more social media stuff for this soon as I get the whole Liam at the hospital stuff
Ok bye love y'all*mwah*


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