He nodded and said: "The other guys in the three rows in front of us work together with me."

I nodded and leaned back.
"And what do you guys work as?", I asked.
"We... We are... We are an Idol group", he said and looked at me insecurely.

"That's cool", I said and nodded.
He just smiled and nodded as well, before there was an announcement, that we were about to depart.

I instantly got more nervous again and Hoseok looked at me worriedly. I jumped a bit as the plane started to move and my heart was beating like crazy.

"You know, if it helps you, you can hold my hand or something", Hoseok shyly said and looked at me.
I blushed a bit and said: "It's alright, but thank you."
He nodded again and I could feel his gaze on me the whole time.

I just ignored it, since I was way too nervous to think clearly anyways.
As the plane got faster and was about to leave the ground I closed my eyes and grabbed Hoseok's hand out of panic.

He just went with it and softly stroked the back of my hand with his thumb, as he started to try to calm me down.
I didn't really know him but at that moment I was beyond thankful that he was sitting next to me.

As I got more calm after several minutes I let off of his hand and opened my eyes back up.
I looked at him and was probably blushing like crazy, so I looked at his chest instead of his eyes.
"Thank you", I mumbled shyly and smiled lightly.

"Do you feel better now?", he asked.
"Yes. All thanks to you", I said and nodded.
"Perfect. Will it get worse again?"

"Probably. But I'll be fine", I said and finally looked him in the eyes.
"Well, since I'm not that tired anyway, let's talk", he said.

"About what?", I asked.
He thought for a little while until he said: "Why don't they make pizza cartons round instead of quadratic?"

"What?", I asked confused and burst into laughter. "How did you think of something like that?"
"Well, it's a good question and I was thinking about pizza. But pizza is round and the cartons are quadratic. Why don't they make them round as well?", he asked.

I laughed and we started to discuss his question. As I soon found out, Hoseok was perfect at distracting me and we talked about all the random things that came into his mind until I fell asleep a few hours later.

I woke up by the sound of a woman.
"Ma'am, we are about to land, you have to wake up now."
Slowly I opened my eyes back up and found my head leaning against Hoseok's shoulder. I rubbed my eyes and looked up to him.

"I'm sorry", I mumbled sleepy and leaned back against my own seat.
"Did you sleep well?", he asked.
"Actually, I did", I said and nodded.

"The whole plane was able to hear that because of your snoring", he teased me and grinned.
"Yah, shut up", I laughed and couldn't help but blush.

"Do you want to hold my hand again while landing?", he then asked and looked at me.
I thought about it for a second and nodded, because I knew I was going to break into panic again, no matter what.

Hoseok grabbed my hand and softly stroked the back of my hand with his thumb again. I yawned and smiled at him.
"Thank you, for everything", I said.

"No problem. I actually really enjoyed spending my time with you", Hoseok said.
I smiled and grabbed his hand tighter as the plane started to land. I closed my eyes and Hoseok started to talk to me again, to try calming me down. And it worked again.

I was beyond glad as we were back at the ground and the plane stopped moving. I sighed in relief and let off of his hand.

"See, you survived", he said and smiled.
"Yes, but sometimes I was nearly about to die", I said.
"Don't dramatize it too much", he laughed and shook his head.

I laughed and then said: "But really, thank you Hoseok, for everything. We don't even really know each other but I don't know what I would have done without you."

"Every time", he said and looked up as everyone was about to leave the plane.
"So, I guess it's goodbye now", he said and looked back at me.

I nodded and didn't really know what to say. Hoseok suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled up the sleeve of my shirt. He took a pen and started writing something on my arm.

"There you go", he said and I saw that it was his phone number.
"Give me a call if you have to fly again. Actually, just call me when you have the time, no matter if you have to fly again or not."

I blushed and nodded.
"I will. Thank you", I said shyly.
He stood up and grabbed his things.
"I hope we'll meet again soon. Until then, stay safe alright?", he asked and looked at me.
"You too", I said and stood up as well.

"See you around", he smiled and then left, because he had to stay with the other guys. I smiled and thought about our meeting for a while until I went out of the plane as well.

I waited until after the funeral of my aunt to give him a call but we even managed to meet up again in London, before I had to go back to Seoul again.

And out of this beautiful coincidence, developed a long-term friendship and after some years, even more than a friendship. But since that day, I was never as nervous as before when I had to attend a flight.

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