Chap 26

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I sat on the roof, crying my eyes out, when I heard a noise from down in the courtyard. I looked down to see that Five had run out of the house, looking for me. I sighed and laid down, dangling my legs off the roof.
It doesn't matter.
Worst case scenario I fall off the roof
Like that's a bad thing...
I shook the thoughts away and draped my arm over my eyes.
I'm dangerous
The phrase kept repeating in my head. I saw what I did to Five. I know it's true. Especially if I'm not getting any better at controlling my abilities, it makes me a hazard.
Just end it.
Do everyone a favor and jump.
I sighed and sat up slowly. I backed away from the edge and pulled out another cigarette. I lit it and placed it in my lips.
I guess this is a way of killing myself
I exhaled the smoke and laid my head in my hand. I held my face as I cried and started to smile. I smiled while I held a cigarette in the hand that held my head. I started to laugh slowly. It started to escalate and I threw my cigarette off the roof before running my hands through the sides of my long and tied back hair.
This is annoying.
I pulled out my knife and without thinking twice, sliced my hair. It was now short and choppy.

I ran my hands through it as I laughed at what I had just done

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I ran my hands through it as I laughed at what I had just done.
Damn I really am screwed in the head.
I brought my knees up and buried my face into them. I had tears running down my cheeks and was laughing. I sobbed between laughs and would gasp for air.
You have the chance.
You won't be missed.
The voice chanted in my head. I brought my hands over my ears and slowly stopped laughing. I started to hyperventilate as the voice continued to tell me to kill myself.
"Shut up..." I muttered between breaths.
The voice laughed and I shook my head.
"Stop! Please!" I cried out.
I felt a hand touch my shoulder and everything stopped. I jumped away and saw Five standing.
"Y/N? What's going on?"
I shook my head. Five sat down next to me and I frantically crawled away from him. He followed me.
"Y/N please! Talk to me!"
"F-Five! Get away from m-me!" I managed to get out.
He looked at me hurt but shook his head, "No! I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong! I just want to help you!"
The image of his dying body appeared in my head again. "No Five! I'm dangerous! I-I could hurt you!" I screamed at him.
"I don't care!" He yelled back and reached out grabbing my hands. He pulled me close to him and wrapped his arms around me. I struggled to push him off but he held tightly. "Y/N please! Please just talk to me..."
I continued to try and push him off me, "I could hurt you! Get off! I don't want to hurt you!"
"You would never Y/N! I know you! Please just let me help you!"
My protests against him weakened, "F-Five I...I don't..." I gave up and sobbed. I wrapped my arms around him tightly. I felt him sigh in relief and bury his face into my shoulder.
We sat silently hugging for a few minutes. He pulled away and looked at my hair. He slowly ran his fingers through it and looked at my face.
"You cut it?"
I nodded.
"It looks nice, don't worry."
I smiled.
"Did you...did you get stuck in your head again?"
I looked down at the courtyard and slowly nodded.
"And I'm guessing you saw something bad with me?"
I teared up and looked at him. I slowly nodded, "I killed you..." I spoke quietly. "Then you killed me, so I guess we're even..."
"I would never!" He spoke with slightly wide eyes.
I nodded, "You told me I was worthless and that the world would be better without me. Then you proceeded to stab my neck. That's when I woke up..."
He pulled me in for a tight hug, "Y/N you're not worthless. You're important, especially to me. I would never hurt you!"
He released me and held out his pinky.
"I promise." He spoke.
I chuckled and linked my pinky with his.
"You're such a dork" I spoke softly.
He smiled, "I know."
We stood up and walked over to the wall we used for climbing. As we were going down I spoke.
"Hey Five I need to change my bandages, I'll meet you at the door in a few minutes."
We touched ground.
"Actually meet in my room." Five responded.
"Ok!" I spoke and rushed up to my room. I quickly re-wrapped my arm and hand before waking to his room. He looked at me and smiled before walking over. He held out his hand.
"Give me your cigarettes." He spoke calmly.
"I said give me your cigarettes. They aren't good for you , and I don't want you smoking."
"But Fiveeeee"
"I like them..."
"They're unhealthy Y/N. I'm doing this for your own good."
"Hand em over or I'll give this back to Klaus." He held out the photo of us cuddling. I turned bright red.
"You know he'll just show it to everyone Y/N." Five spoke.
"You're evil..."
He chuckled and I groaned before taking the pack out of my pocket. I placed it in his hand and he smiled.
"Thank you,"
I groaned in response and he chuckled before placing the picture back in his pocket. He grabbed a bag and led me to his window. He opened it and stepped out onto the fire escape.
"Dammit, where's Dad's stuff?" I heard Klaus. I looked over and saw him in a dumpster.
"Shut up!" I heard him again. Five started climbing down a ladder as I stood on the fire escape.
"I'm trying to find whatever priceless crap was in that priceless box so Pogo will get off my ass!" Klaus continued to talk to nobody.
I wonder
Maybe he's talking to Ben?
He can talk to the dead after all...
I shrugged off the thought and watched a Five climb down.
"I'd ask what you're up to Klaus but then it occurred to me, I don't care." Five spoke and I snickered.
"Hey, you know there are easier ways out of the house buddy." Klaus spoke.
"This one involved the least amount of talking. Or so I thought" Five jumped down to the ground and I started to climb down.
Klaus looked at Five and me. "Hey hey hey so, you guys need anymore company today?" He asked. I touched ground as he continued to speak.
"I could uh...clear my schedule."
"Nope!" I chirped.
"It looks like you've got your hands full." Five spoke.
"Oh this? No, no I can do this whenever. I'm just-" he fell backwards into the dumpster. "I've just misplaced something that's all."
Five and I stood next to each other, judging him.
"Found it! Thank god!" Klaus stood up with a donut. He ate it and I looked away, gagging.
"Delicious!" Klaus spoke.
"I'm done finding your drug habit." Five spoke and started walking away. I followed behind him.
Five started sneaking up to random van I followed behind.
"I love you! Even if you can't love yourself!" I heard Klaus call out and I chuckled. Five hopped into the driver seat and I combed in on the passenger side. He started driving and I looked out the window at the passing buildings. He drove us to the lab and parked in front of it.
I can tell we're going to be here for a while...
I sighed and climbed to the back of the van.
"Hey Y/N where are you going?" Five asked.
"Just back here."
I shrugged, "It's more roomy."
He nodded and grabbed his bad. He unzipped it and pulled Delores out. He put her in the seat,
"Hey. Sorry you were in there for so long."
I was slightly alarmed by the amount of glass bottles.
"No I'm not drunk, I'm working." He spoke. "Yes it's about the eye thing. This is the place it was made. Or...will be made. We just have to wait."
I felt the jealousy again and sighed. I went to open the van door but it was locked.
"Wait Y/N, why are you leaving?"
"I just want to go for a walk."
"Why not?"
"I know you'll end up smoking."
I groaned, "You know me Five."
He sighed, "Why don't you come sit up front with me and Delores?"
I shrugged and he moved Delores as I climbed up. He place her in the middle and I looked out front. I laid my head on the dash and let out a loud groan.
"What's wrong?" Five asked.
"Nothing I'm just tired..."
Of this mannequin bullshit
"You sure?" He asked.
We both stared at the lab silently for a few minutes. I slowly reached over and grabbed Five's hand.
What are you doing?
He looked at me with a confused expression. I was slightly blushing and I spoke.
"Thanks for earlier...I really needed that..."
He slightly blushed, "Don't worry about it, it was no big deal."
"It was to me..." I muttered.
He heard me and turned red. We sat like that for a minute before I let go of his hand and intertwined mine in my lap.
What the hell what that?!
I don't like him.
I refuse to believe I like him.
He's just my best friend.

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