Chap 38

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Klaus's POV
We crashed into Hazel and Cha-Cha before hitting their car. I stumbled out of my door and Ben jumped down next to me. I saw Luther run over and grab Diego, helping him out.
Ben spoke, "Klaus, what's wrong with Y/N?"
I looked over at her and saw her expression.
She frantically looked around.
"Five? Five?!" She called out
Oh no...
I waked over to her quickly.
"Five?! Five where are you?!" She started yelling.
I grabbed her shoulders, "Y/N! Y/N we gotta go!"
She thrashed in my grip, "No! We have to get Five!"
"Y/N he's not here!"
I saw tears slip down her cheeks, "No! He has to be! H-H promised he wouldn't leave again! He's here somewhere! He can't be gone!"
I looked over at Ben. He stared at Y/N with sympathy and held his hands over his mouth. I turned my attention back to Y/N.
"Y/N he's gone! We have to go!" I spoke to her desperately.
She shook her head violently, "No! He can't be! He said h-he'd stay! H-He can't b-be gone! No! N-Not again! He c-can't!"
I grabbed her face and made her look at me, "He's gone Y/N! You have to accept that because we need to go!"
I saw all the tears flow down her cheeks and she shook her head. "H-He said he'd stay! He w-wouldn't just leave m-me right?!"
I stared sympathetically and she sobbed.
Luther speed walked past me and helped Diego into the car. It pained me to see Y/N like this. I picked her up and rushed her to the car. I climbed in the back seat middle and placed her in the window seat. I saw Ben climb in shot gun and hit the dashboard.
"Let's go!" He spoke.
I turned around and flicked off Hazel and Cha-Cha as we drove away.
I turned back around and looked at Y/N.
She looks so hurt...
I may be drunk, but I know when she's not ok
She had tears flowing down her cheeks and she stared out the window. She sobbed quietly and brought her hand up to wipe her eyes occasionally. I'm not sure why because the tears would roll down her cheeks immediately after.
The car ride was silent except for Y/N's soft sobs. I saw Diego look at her with sympathy occasionally. Ben would turn around and look at me and Y/N. His face would always show sadness when he looked at her.
Throughout the car ride she slowly seemed to lose emotion. Besides the continuous tears, there seemed to be no sign of anything in her.
"Klaus, do something." Ben spoke.
"What am I supposed to do here?" I whispered back.
Not sure why because everyone heard me.
"Try to cheer her up or something you dingus."
He shrugged and I groaned quietly.
"Hey Y/N. Y/NNNNNNNNNNN." I poked her cheek, trying to get her to react.
She reached up and grabbed my hand, moving it away from her without shifting her gaze.
She didn't even show any emotion
"How abouttttttt tickles!" I started tickling her side.
She sat there silently and was unfazed.
Ben looked at me concernedly and Diego looked at her.
"Y/N? Are you ok?" Diego asked.
She gave no response and I saw Luther look at her in the mirror. We parked behind the house and Y/N opened the door and stepped out. She held herself and walked into the house. I stepped out and Ben stood next to me.
"Is she gonna be ok?" I asked Ben.
"Why're you asking me?"
"You know her just as well as me."
"I guess...she's not really close with either of us though..."
I nodded before waking inside with Diego and Luther.

I waked upstairs to my room and sat on it. I stared at the window and continued to feel the tears rush down my cheeks.
He left again
He left me...
I have that feeling again
I just feel numb
Why am I so affected by him leaving?
Because he broke his word
He hurt me
He said he wouldn't
Maybe he'll come back
He's not coming back
No matter how much I want him to
Why would he do that to me...
He told me he cared about me
Why would he lie?
Im sick of this
You're so oblivious
To what?
Five you idiot.
What about him?
Oh my god...
You aren't this stupid Y/N
I'm confused
He's head over heels for you!
You're crazy
Oh my god.
Read the signs!
He's always been nicer with you
And more caring
He literally would sleep with you because you were scared
He admitted you're very important to him
And that he cares about you a lot
And, idiot, he kissed you!
How more obvious does he need to be!
He holds your hand for gods sake!
Holy shit
You're right...
Of course I'm right!
Needed to smack some sense into you
I swear...
You're oblivious
I guess...
And what?
You're forgetting something
Forgetting...forgetting what?
You like him!
N-No I don't!
He's just a friend to me!
Explain the blushes
And why you say the kiss was nice
And why you get jealous
And why you admitted that you need him
Admit it
I...may or may not like Five
Admit it!
I like Five!
I like him a lot!
And how he cares for me!
And tolerates me when I'm an idiot!
And puts up with all my shit!
I like everything about him!
I can't think of one thing that bothers me about him!
He's just so perfect to me!
And I need him!
And he's gone...
And now I have nothing...
Because he left me...

Weirdo (Five x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora