Chap 6

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~~~months later~~~
I opened my eyes and slowly sat up. I climbed out of bed and changed into my uniform. I sat in front of my mirror brushing my hair. It was quite long now but I like it. I smiled peacefully to myself when Five appeared right behind me. I yelled in surprise and turned invisible.
Five laughed, "I can't believe it still scares you"
I rolled my eyes, "Woop-de-do I'm still a coward"
He chuckled, "That's not true, if you were, Dad wouldn't have let you on the team"
"That's true I guess"
I tied my hair back in a braid and became visible again. Five took one look at my face.
"Damn Y/N"
"You're eye bags...they're really dark"
I groaned, "I knowwwww"
"Are you sleeping ok?"
"Yup! I'm not sure why they're there but they are, so whatever"
Klaus kicked opened my door and rushed over to me. I frantically tried to escape but I was too late.
"TICKLE TICKLE TICKLE TICKLE" He shouted as he tickled me repeatedly.
"ACK! Nooooooooooo"
"Hehehe" Klaus laughed and continued tickling me.
"Five! Save meeeee" I reached out at him and he chuckled before pulling Klaus off me.
"That's enough Klaus" he told him
Klaus pouted, "Fineeeee"
I giggled and stood up, straightening out my jacket. We heard the breakfast bell and rushed out of my room and down the stairs to the table.
After breakfast we all walked back upstairs. I was talking to Vonya about music when we heard Grace call us back. We all looked at each other confusedly and walked back down the stairs.
"Your Father wants you in the main room"
We all exchanged glances and started walking over.
"Oh not you Vonya"
I turned back to face her but was pushed by Five to keep walking. I glared at him slightly and he shrugged. We walked into the room where Mr. Hargreeves was waiting for us.
"Children of the Umbrella Academy, today you will be receiving your mark. It will permanently let everyone know you are the Academy."
He stepped aside and I looked at Five confusedly. He fidgeted with his hands nervously. A person walked in with their things and Mr. Hargreeves introduced us.
"This is who will be giving you your tattoo today"
My eyes widened. I looked at Five who had paled. I then looked at Klaus who looked the same as me.
"Sit in those seats and wait your turn." Mr. Hargreeves commanded and we did as we were told. Allison was called up first. She sat in the chair and the tattoo artist rolled up her sleeve and started to do his thing. Next was Klaus.
I watched his face show clear signs of pain and looked at Five. I could tell he was trying to not look scared, but he was failing. He was shaking slightly and was pale. I saw Mr. Hargreeves look at us from the second floor before going into his office.
I slightly elbowed Five who looked at me.
"What is it Y/N?"
"It's going to be ok"
"Thanks...I know but you look even worse than me..."
It was probably true. I'm terrified because they're going to roll up my sleeve.
What if anybody sees my scars? I can't let them see that! Nonononono this is bad.
I nervously bounced my leg even quicker and Five slightly grabbed my wrist.
"Y/N it's ok"
I muttered a quiet thanks and looked at him. He smiled slightly before looking back at the tattoo artist. He was called up next and he timidly walked up. As he was getting his tattoo, I couldn't look away. He looked like he was in so much pain and I felt so terrible. He finished up and stepped aside with the others. I was called up and froze. I felt myself pale even more and suddenly felt dizzy. My name was called and I stood up, slowly starting to walk over. Everything started spinning and I found myself swaying as I walked. I looked over at my friends who looked at me concernedly. I was about halfway to the chair when I fell to the floor and passed out.

Five's POV
As sat in the chair getting my tattoo, I could feel Y/N staring at me. I know she's terrified so I have to be strong and show her it's not too bad. Even though it does hurt like a bitch. I heard the machine stop buzzing and was told to get out. He called out next and I saw Y/N pale. She looked almost frozen in place.
"Y/N you're up" I called out. Ben stood next to me and we exchanged nervous glances. We saw Y/N stand up and start to walk over slowly. She seemed unbalanced at first but soon fell over. Ben ran over to her and I followed shortly behind.
"Y/N?!" I hit her shoulder. She didn't move. Ben checked for a pulse and Klaus ran over.
"Y/N you know I'm all for pranks but this ain't funny" Klaus spoke to her.
"She's alive, just unconscious" Ben spoke up.
"Can you just bring her here? I'll do it while she's out." The tattoo artist spoke up, clearly annoyed.
Klaus grabbed her arms and started lifting her up. I quickly grabbed her legs and we placed her in the chair before standing with the others.
"Do you think she's ok?" Ben whispered to me.
"I'm not sure, probably"
"What do you think happened?"
"I don't really know...I know she was terrified of getting a tattoo but I didn't know it would make her pass out"
"Oh yeah that's probably it"
We watched the tattoo artist finish up on Y/N and me, Ben, and Klaus carried her up the stairs and into her room. She snapped awake as soon as she hit the bed. I saw her look at her wrist before quickly pulling down her sleeve. She sighed.
"Y/N? Are you ok?" Ben spoke.
"No I'm not ok! I just got a shitty tattoo that I don't want placed on my wrist! I wasn't even conscious..."
"That's probably for the best" I spoke and sat next to her on the bed.
"Mm" she leaned back against her wall and let out a loud groan that we all giggled at.
Vonya walked in, "Are you guys ok?"
We all turned to look at her,
"Yeah Vonya Im ok...I don't know about these sissies tho!" Y/N playfully punched Klaus's shoulder. He put a hand to his chest and dropped his jaw.
"Y/N! I am so offended" he faked being hurt.
"Yeah you're one to talk considering you passed out!" I teased.
She playfully hit my chest, "Well you can suck. My. Dick." She said so seriously. We stared at each other for a second before bursting out laughing. Ben and Klaus joined in and even Vonya chuckled.

Klaus's POV
After we finished laughing I saw Y/N stand up from the bed and walk over to Vonya. She grabbed Vonya's wrist and pulled up her sleeve.
"I'm sorry Y/N! I just be included..."
Y/N looked at her with pity and walked over to her dresser. She pulled out a bunch of sharpies.
"Y/N?! Where do you get those! I want themmmm" I whined.
She chuckled and smirked, "Being able to turn invisible makes shop lifting pretty easy"
I saw Ben's jaw drop. "Y/N! That's stealing!"
She shrugged and turned to Vonya. She wiped off whatever Vonya had drawn on her wrist and opened a black sharpie.
"Oooooooh SHARPIE TATTOOS! I want! I want! I want! I want!" I chanted and she giggled.
"Ok Klaus you can have one next"
I pumped my fists, "Hell yeah!"
Ben rolled his eyes at me and I ruffled his hair.
"You love meeee" I said.
He pushed my hand away. "Klausss don't mess up my hairrrr"
Immediately I put both hands in his hair and messed with it even more. Ben continuously protested and tried to pry my hands off him as I laughed. I looked at Y/N and saw she was drawing on Vonya's wrist. I stood up to see what it was and saw it was he Umbrella Academy symbol we had on our wrist.
"Awwww Y/NNNNNNN that's so sweet!"
She smiled and finished drawing.
"Now just let that dry Vonya."
Vonya smiled happily and stared at her wrist before sitting on the bed next to Five. Those two chatted a little when I sat in front of Y/N.
"Do me! Do me!" I changed and she giggled.
"What do you want me to draw?"
"Ok...whatever you say" she drew a bunch of stars and hearts that went all the way up my arm. She then switched to my other arm and drew bubbles letters of the word "Queen" with a crown. I smiled brightly.
"Thanks Y/NNNNNN!" I pulled her in for a tight hug. She didn't return it and I pulled away. "We'll work on that"
She rolled her eyes and looked at Ben.
"Want one?" She Asked.
He shook his head, "Dad wouldn't like that"
"So we shouldn't be doing it. We're going to get in so much trouble!"
"So what?! A little trouble is good! In fact..." I saw her Smirk.
Oh no.
"I say we sneak out tonight!"
Me and Ben stared wide eyed and Vonya and Five stopped talking to look at her. We all sat in silence and she stood there smirking.
"To where?" Five asked.
"It doesn't matter where! That's a terrible idea!" Ben protested.
"Exactly! Which is why I'm so down!" I cheered.
Y/N turned to me and we fist bumped.
"Wait wait wait...are you guys actually serious?" Five asked.
Me and Y/N exchanged glances.
"HELL YEAH" we both yelled in sync

(Baby bye bye bye
Bye bye...)

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