Chap 48

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I slowly opened my eyes as I woke up. I felt Five's hands around my stomach and the memories of earlier started flowing in. I felt my face heat up.
Holy shit
We made out
I covered my face with my hands and blushed madly. I felt Five stir before untangling himself from me. He slowly sat up and groaned. I sat up next to him and we looked at each other.
"So..." I spoke softly.
We sat awkwardly.
"So at 3am...that happened..." I spoke.
He nodded and we both looked away. We sat in awkward silence before he randomly stood up.
"Ooook So we need to figure out how we're gonna get Harold. I'll get Diego, you get Klaus. Meet in the living room." He spoke quickly.
I stood up, "Alright."
He nodded and spatial jumped away. I walked over to my closet and pulled on a hoodie with some pants. I walked out of my room and down to Klaus'. I heard him talking to someone and I stood outside the door.
"Looking for drugs.
I'm done listening to you! Just go away. Go away please.
Yeah well sobriety's overrated.
Well where has it gotten me? Where has it gotten me? Nowhere! I can't talk to the person I love...people still don't take me seriously! I wanna be numb again...
Oh yeah, really?
Wow, playing the dead card again? You need new material bro.
Well then avert your gaze."
I sighed.
Poor Klaus...
I was about to walk in when I heard another voice.
"You're better than that. And Dave? He knew it too."
Who is that?
"Yeah you're're right. I-I'm-I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Klaus spoke.
"Thank god." The other voice spoke again.
There was silence before Klaus yelled.
"Psych!" He laughed.
I heard the other voice shout annoyedly before I heard a punch.
I rushed in and saw Klaus holding his face.
"Owww" he spoke.
I saw another figure who looked at me in shock.
"Ben?" I spoke.
His and Klaus's eyes widened before Ben disappeared.
"W-What? How did you do that?" I asked.
Klaus looked at me, shocked, "You see him too?"
"I-I did, but he's gone now."
Klaus looked at where he had been with wide eyes and I stared silently.
I'm so confused
"Um...we're having a meeting...and um...we need you there..." I spoke.
I walked out quickly.
What the fuck
I walked down the stairs to the main room where Diego and Five were. Five noticed how shocked I seemed and walked up to me.
"Y/N? You ok? You look like you've seen a ghost..."
Oh the irony
"Yeah um...yeah yeah I'm good...I'm good..."
"Ok? Where's Klaus?"
"On his way down."
As if on cue, Klaus walked down the stairs and sat on the couch.
I spoke, "The bastard who almost killed Allison is still out there, with Vanya."
Diego responded, "We need to go after her."
Five spoke up, "Vanya is not important."
I looked at him offendedly as Diego spoke.
"Hey, that's your sister. A little heartless, even for you Five."
"I'm not saying I don't care about her, but if the apocalypse happens today, she dies along with the other 7 billion of us. Harold Jenkins is our first priority." Five spoke and grabbed my hand.
Diego spoke quickly, "I agree. Let's go."
Klaus finally spoke, "You guys count me out."
I stared at him sympathetically.
Poor Klaus
He continued, "I mean, you know, no offense or whatever. It's just...I kind of feel like this is a whole lot of pressure for a newly-sober me so-"
Diego cut him off, "You're coming."
"Nonono, I mean, I think we can all agree that my power's...I mean it's pretty much useless. I'd just be holding you guys back."
Five rolled his eyes, "Klaus get up."
"You can't make me."
Diego beat me to it by throwing a knife between his legs. Klaus groaned before standing up. "Oh then again, a little exercise couldn't hurt."
I chuckled and we walked out the the car. Diego climbed in the driver's seat and Five and I sat in the back. We calmly held hands as Diego drove us to a house.
Did Klaus...
Summon Ben?
He asked if I could see him too...
And looked at where he was before vanishing
Maybe he really has been talking to Ben all this time
It would make sense
Diego parked out front of a house and I snapped out of my thoughts. Five let go of my hand and climbed out of the car. I did the same and we walked up to the door. I groaned annoyedly and broke the doorknob, letting us in. We walked in slowly and I turned a corner. My eyes widened and I grabbed Five's wrist. He looked at me before looking at the body.
"Huh...not really what I was expecting..." I spoke calmly.
Diego and Klaus joined us as Five spoke.
"Understatement of the year.
Klaus spoke, "No sign of Vanya."
"Let's get out of here before the cops come" Diego responded
I nodded and we started to walked out.
I heard Five, "In a minute."
He walked over to Harold's body and pulled the sticker off his eye.
"Five let's not..."
He pushed the eye into place and I heard Diego gag.
"Wow..." Klaus spoke.
Five looked at him, "Same eye color, same pupil size. Guys this is it! The eye I've been carrying around for's-it's found its rightful home." He reached over and took the eye back out.
Oh god don't keep that
Diego spoke, "We got the guy we needed to kill to stop the apocalypse."
Five out the eye back in his pocket.
I heard Klaus, "Yayyyy. Let's go."
He tried to walk away but I grabbed him.
"No, no. Wait, wait it can't be this easy." Five said and stood up, "Look, this is the note that I got from the commission. The one that says 'Protect Harold Jenkins,' aka Leonard Peabody."
"Yeah." Diego spoke.
I picked up on what he was saying, "But who killed him? Who did this?" I spoke.
Klaus spoke, "I have a crazy idea. Crazy but, why don't we find Vanya...And ask her what happened-"
He was cut off by Five spatial jumping with me to the car.
Per usual, I was on top of him. I quickly scrambled off him, blushing.
"Sorry!" I spoke quickly.
We both sat silently before laughing. I saw Klaus and Diego walk out of the house and they climbed into the car with us.
"Let's go see if she's at the academy." Diego spoke.
Five nodded and started driving us there.

Weirdo (Five x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora