Chap 35

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I sat on Five's bed, humming a random tune while he worked on some equations around the walls. He stepped onto the bed and continued it. I looked up and stared at him as he worked.
"Ok...I think I've got something" He spoke and looked down at me. I looked up at him.
"It's tenuous, but promising." He told me.
I smiled in response and stood up, standing next to him.
"Guys, what's all this?" I turned to face Luther.
"It's a probability map." Five spoke.
Luther walked in and I sat on the bed again.
"Probability, of what?" Luther asked.
"Of whose death could save the world." Five responded.
He's clearly annoyed
"I've narrowed it down to 4." He spoke again.
"Are you saying one of these 4 people causes the apocalypse?" Luther asked.
I rolled my eyes, "No he's saying one of their deaths could prevent it."
Five continued to write on the chalk board and I sighed.
"I'm not following" Luther spoke.
I scoffed
"Time is fickle Luther, the slightest alteration in events can lead to massively different outcomes in the time continuum." Five spoke.
"The butterfly effect." I spoke up.
Five nodded, "So all I have to do is find the people with the greatest probability of impacting the time line, wherever they may be, and kill them."
He jumped off the bed and I watched him take out a knife.
"Milton Green, so who is he? A terrorist or something?" Luther asked.
"I believe he is a gardener." Five responded.
"You can't be serious." Luther glared at me and Five. "This is madness you guys."
Five scoffed and pulled out a box from under the bed. He sat it on the bed and Luther gasped.
"W-Where did you get that?"
"In Dad's room. I think he used it to shoot a rhinoceros. It's similar to the model I used at work. Nice shoulder fit, and highly reliable."
Five handled the gun and I watched him.
I still find it hard to believe he worked for them...
"You can't, this guy Milton, he's an innocent man!" Luther protester. I scoffed and crossed my arms.
"It would be for the greater good Luther. His death could prevent billions. Can you grow up for once? It's murder, so what? People kill each other all the time, nothing is going to change that. You've killed people too! So killing 4 people, to save 7 billion, is worth it. Sure it may seem malicious, but again, it's for the best. Grow up and realize that. Besides, we're all going to die in 4 days anyways, he's just getting a fast pass." I spoke. Luther was getting on my nerves.
"Y/N's right. The apocalypse won't spare anyone." Five backed me up.
"We don't do this kind of thing." Luther spoke.
"You aren't doing anything Luther, it's just me and Y/N."
"I can't let you go and kill innocent people Five. No matter how many lives you'll save."
"Well good luck stopping us." Five started to walk out of the room and I hopped off the bed, following him.
"You're not going anywhere." Luther spoke. I turned around and saw him grab Delores.
Oh shit
It's going down
He held her out the window and Five aimed the gun at him.
"Five. Calm down." I spoke, grabbing his shoulder. He kept the aim steady and spoke to Luther, "Put. Her. Down."
"Put the gun down. You're not killing anyone today. I know she's important to you, so don't make me do this. It's either her, or the gun. You decide."
Five stood silently debating and Luther threw Delores out the window. Five spatial jumped and caught her.
That would've been fine if I wasn't holding Five when he jumped.
I ended up outside the window and quickly grabbed the metal frame on the outside of it.
"SHIT" I called out and gripped it tightly. I saw Five frantically place Delores down and grab my arm, pulling me up. I climbed in through the window and Five pulled me in for a tight hug. I could feel him sigh in relief and I hugged him back. He pulled away and slowly grabbed my hand.
We both turned to look at Luther.
"I can keep doing this all day." He spoke.
Five slowly sat down on the bed, holding my hand loosely. I sat next to him and looked at our hands.
"I know you're still a good person Five." Luther started to walk over, "Otherwise you wouldn't have risked everything coming back here to save us all. But you're not on your own anymore."
Five sighed and tightened his grip on my hand. I blushed and looked at his face.
Why does he always make me blush
Why am I always so weak around him
He looked up at Luther, "There is one way. But it's just about impossible."
"More impossible than what brought you back here?"
Five looked away from Luther and looked at me. He sighed and nodded slowly. He looked back up at Luther, "Ok so, I need you to go find a black briefcase. Dad might have one. We're going to meet these lunatics and I'm going to work out a deal with them."
"Alright I'm on it, I'll meet you here when I've got it. Just wait in the meantime."
Five nodded and Luther left the room. Five turned to look at me.
"Five? Is this going to work? I don't need a gun to kill someone if you don't think it will. I know you said it's practically impossible so I-"
"It'll work Y/N. Don't worry."
I sighed and nodded. I looked down at our hands and felt Five slowly stroke the side of my hand with his thumb. I turned pink in response.
Do I like him?
I enjoy all these small moments we have...
And I mean
I'm not complaining about the kiss...
And I always get jealous around Delores...
"Y/N...I need to tell you something" Five interrupted my thoughts.
"What is it?"
"I may not come back after this..."
"I may have to go somewhere else...and I may not be able to return."
"No. We're not doing this. I'm not having you leave again!"
"Y/N it's the only way!"
I grabbed his face with both of my hands, "No! You can't leave me again! You says you're wouldn't! Five no! Please! We'll come up with another way! Just please don't leave me! Not again!" I felt tears form in my eyes.
"Y/N it's ok, you're strong and you don't need me!"
"Please Y/N don't make this harder..."
"No! You can't leave me! I-I-I...I need you!"
We both turned red and I let go of his face, wiping my eyes.
"I-I need you can't leave me..."
"Y/N..." Five gently cupped my cheek and looked at me.
It's that feeling again.
The one I always get whenever Five stares into my eyes
Whenever he holds my hand
And what I felt greatly when we kissed
He slowly started to bring his face closer to mine before...

Luther kicked open the door.

"Five I got a brief case!" He spoke.
We jumped away form each other and turned bright red. Five clears his throat and stood up.
"Aright, so here's the plan..."

A/N: get yeeted lol

Weirdo (Five x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz