Chap 44

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The three of us sat silently before I opened my door and stepped out.
"What are you doing?" Five asked.
"There's more space out here. And I prefer the fresh air." I responded.
Five and Allison glanced at each other before shrugging and also getting out. I leaned on a wall and Five walked over next to me. Allison walked over to a public phone and started to call someone.
"Five? Are you sure this will work?" I asked him.
"Yes, it has to. Don't worry" he responded.
I sighed, "I'm probably just paranoid..."
He nodded in understanding.
Allison sighed and spoke, "Hey Vanya it's me. I just wanted to...Things have gotten so messed up. And...all I ever wanted was to be a good sister to you. Guess I pretty much...failed at that. But you need to call me...ok? I love you, sis." She hung up the phone.
She's really trying...
I sighed and Five looked up as Diego came around the corner.
"So?" Five asked him.
Diego held out the file, "You're welcome."
Allison snatched it from him and I looked up at him, "Thanks Diego..."
He nodded and we looked at Allison as she opened the file. She looked at it and her eyes widened.
"Holy shit." She spoke.
Five's expression showed slight concern and I spoke up, "What is it?"
"Harold Jenkins, is Leonard Peabody." She spoke.
"Are we supposed to know who that is?" I asked.
"It's Vanya's apparently psychopathic boyfriend." She responded.
Oh no...
Vanya's gonna be crushed...
I shook my head, "Are you sure?"
"Yes I'm sure Y/N. The picture is exactly what he looks like! Ugh it all makes sense now...why there wasn't anything on him." She muttered the last part to herself. "Come on. I'm driving, I know where he lives."
"Um...why?" Five spoke.
"Don't ask questions."
We all climbed into the car and she started driving us to his house. I looked over at Five and saw him clutching his side again and wincing.
I reached over to touch him but his other hand grabbed my wrist. I slightly jumped in surprise before slightly wincing because of the cuts. Five noticed and immediately loosened his grip.
"Sorry..." he muttered.
"It's ok..." I muttered back and slowly pulled my wrist out of his hand. I grabbed his hand with mine and he intertwined our fingers. We both softly smiled and sat silently for the rest of the car ride.
Allison parked in front of the house and we all climbed out of the car. We all started to wake towards the door and Allison spoke,
"Be careful ok? We don't know what Peabody's capable of."
Diego responded quickly, "Yeah well he didn't seem dangerous when I first saw him. Looked kinda scrawny."
Allison gave a sassy reply, "Yeah well so are most serial killers and mass murderers. I mean, look at him." She pointed at Five.
Five scoffed and grabbed my hand, "Thanks."
I chuckled.
"Good point." Diego spoke.
I spoke up, "Wait so, what does this guy want with Vanya?"
Five looked at me, "Don't know, why don't we ask him after we kill him?"
I chuckled, "Sounds good."
Five smiled at me and Diego looked at the door, "Ok so, I'm gonna burst through-"
He stopped talking. I turned around and saw Allison was gone.
"Great..." I muttered.
"You know what? It would be nice for people just to stick-" Diego was cut off by Five spatial jumping us into the house. I held my head and groaned slightly.
"Y/N? You ok?" Five asked, reaching up and touching my head.
"Yeah, don't worry I'm just a little dizzy."
We both jumped at the sound of a loud crash. I waked over to the door and saw Diego on the ground.
This bitch-
Did he really jump though the door?!
I chuckled slightly as Allison and Five walked over.
"Subtle." She spoke.
Five opened the door, "You know the door was unlocked."
I slightly laughed at his comment as Diego stood up.
"Yeah well my way works just fine." He spoke.
He brushed some glass off of himself before continuing. "Spread out. Yess if you know, you're in trouble." He walked away.
"Such inspiring leadership." I commented.
Allison replied, "One of the greats."
She walked upstairs and I sighed.
I can't believe this...
Poor Vanya...
Five reached over and grabbed my hand before walking around.
"Five," I chuckled, "He said spread out."
He looked back at me, "So?"
I held up our hands and chuckled, "This isn't spreading out."
He rolled his eyes, "But what if I don't want to?"
I scoffed, "Dork."
He shrugged, "Whatever shortie."
I rolled my eyes and we continued to look around.
We were walking for a few minutes before he let go of my hand and held his side. He winced and quietly hissed in pain.
"Five? What's wrong?" I asked.
"It's nothing, Y/N don't worry."
"Oops that's my specialty, what is it?"
"Sure." I reached over to try and touch him and look at what it was but he grabbed my hands. He stared into my eyes and I spoke.
"If it's nothing, why won't you let me touch you? Are you hurt? Are you ok? Let me see Five, I'll help you. We can go back home and get some supplies and I can-"
He cut me off by pressing his lips into mine. All my thoughts and concerns drifted away immediately and he pulled away. I was bright red. I stared at him for a second before speaking, "You cut me off."
"You cut me off earlier." He spoke.
I rolled my eyes but blushed more. He took my hand again and we continued to look around.
"Guys? You need to see this." We heard Allison.
We hurried to the stairs and walked up them, into the attic. I slightly gasped at the sight. There were pictures of the Umbrella Academy everywhere, along with action figures.
I would have considered it a shrine if it hadn't been for one major problem.
"All our faces are burnt off." Allison spoke.
"Well that's not creepy at all." I responded.
Diego added onto it, "This guy's got some serious issues."
We continued to look at the stuff.
"Shit..." we all muttered.
I heard Five's breathing got heavier and looked over at him.
"This was never about Vanya..." Allison started
Five let go of my hand and checked his side again.
Allison finished, "This was about us."
Five sighed deeply before collapsing to the ground.
"Five!" I yelled out and dropped down next to him. He groaned in pain and the others kneeled down next to me, asking him if he was ok. I noticed blood had dropped down his leg.
"Shit Five..." I spoke and grabbed his shirts, pulling them up.
I gasped at the sight.
There was a shrapnel sticking out of his side, and his side was covered in blood.
At this rate
He would've lost a lot of blood by now
"Jesus Five..." Diego spoke.
"Dammit Five! Why didn't you say anything?!" I slightly yelled at him.
Please be ok
"You have to keep going. So...close..." he managed to get out weakly. His eyes closed and he stopped talking.
"Five. Five!" I shook his body, "Wake up!"
I felt the tears start to form.
Nows not the time to cry
Get him home.
I grabbed his arm, slightly picking him up before adjusting my grip so that I was carrying him.
Thank god he's a skinny legend
The others looked at me in slight shock and I walked out of the attic.
"Come on! We have to get him home!" I shouted out to them. The ran out of the attic and opened doors for me as I carried him. I climbed into the car and laid Five down so that he was on his back with his head in my lap. Diego started the car and started to drive back to the academy. I stared at Five's face and slightly brushed his hair out of his face. I studied how peaceful he looked and felt a tear slip down my cheek.
Dammit Five
I knew something was wrong
And you knew I was gonna figure it out
So you kissed me to make me stop talking
Damn your cleverness
I stroked Five's cheek and hoped he would be ok.
We pulled into a parking spot at the Academy and I picked up Five and Allison helped me carry him in.
"We should've taken him to the hospital." She spoke.
"Yeah like a kid with a shrapnel in his side isn't gonna be suspicious." I snapped.
"Y/N...calm down..." Five muttered.
Shit he's been conscious?!
Oh my god what I did in the car...
That's so embarrassing
We placed him on the couch and he groaned. I kneeled next to him and grabbed his hand. I clasped both of mine over it tightly.
"He's still loosing a lot of blood, what do we do?" Allison spoke.
I turned to her, "Get the shrapnel out."
I saw Diego walk away and looked over to see where.
I thought...
I thought she died
The Hargreaves are already so weird
I'm not even surprised she came back to life
Five slightly squeezed my hand and I looked at him frantically.
"It's...ok..." he spoke weakly.
I brought his hand to my mouth and gently kissed it.
"You're gonna be ok..." I spoke, my voice trembling.
That was more to me than it was to him
Diego walked over with Grace and they picked Five up. I watched them carry him up to his room. I sat on the couch and held my head in my hands.
"Y/N...Five's gonna be ok." I heard Allison speak as she sat next to me.
"He lost a lot of blood..."
"He'll be ok..."
"But were in smaller bodies, we have less blood that we can lose. I swear if he needs blood, I will give him blood. I have type O, so I'm the universal doner."
"Wow, you muse really care about him then, right?"
"More than anything..."
Allison sat silently before speaking again, "Y/N do you love Five?"
I sat and thought about it. I responded, "I don't know. I've never been in love with someone before, I don't know the feeling."
She nodded.
We talked for a few minutes before I walked upstairs to check on Five.
I sat in the corner of Five's room and watched Grace fix him up. When she was done, she wrapped his torso and stood up.
"He'll be ok Y/N. Do not worry." Grace told me before leaving. I dragged my chair over to Five's bed.
He was very unconscious now.
I sighed and grabbed his blazer. I reached into the pocket and pulled out the eye, fidgeting with it. I placed it on the bedside table and stared at Five's face. I slowly sat up and kissed his forehead. I rested my arms down on the bed next to Five and laid my head in them. I slowly drifted off into sleep.

Not a POV but a cute thing
Later that night Pogo walked in and saw Y/N asleep with her head resting next to Five's unconscious body. He sighed and slowly walked over. He grabbed a blanket and placed it over Y/N. He turned out the lights and smiled as he left the room.

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