Chap 24

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Five's POV
She passed out.
Shit what do I do
I held Y/N and started to panic.
Shit this is my fault
What do I do
Where do I go
I sat silently and heard the police officers outside. I looked down at Y/N's unconscious body. I grabbed her hand and put my bag on my back. I took a deep breath and spatial jumped. I ended up in front of the Umbrella Academy. I sighed and picked up Y/N's body. I carried her to the door and knocked with my foot. Pogo opened the door and I walked in without saying anything.
"Master Five, is there anything I can do to help?" He asked me.
"No." I spoke.
I walked to the stairs and walked up them, carrying Y/N.
Dammit Y/N
Why did you have to over-use your power
I reached the top and saw Allison and Luther.
"Five?" Allison spoke to me. I stopped walking and turned to face them.
"What the hell happened to you? Is that Y/N? Is she ok?" she asked me.
"Are you guys ok? Can we help?" Luther asked. He reached out to touch my shoulder but I stepped away from him.
"There's nothing you can do. There's nothing any of you can do..." I spoke solemnly. "The only person who could help me is Y/N and look where that got her." I gestured to her unconscious body.
Luther looked at me sadly and I walked away. I walked to Y/N's room and kicked open her door. I walked over to her bed and laid her down on it. I sighed and took off my bag, taking Delores out. I held her in my arms and sat on the end of Y/N's bed. I watched Y/N rest and sighed. I looked at Delores.
"What?" I asked her.
You like her don't you?
Y/ like her don't you?
"No, why does everyone think that?"
The way you look at her. It says it all Five, you can't keep secrets from me.
"I don't like Y/N like that..."
Sure...and I don't have amazing fashion taste.
"What are you saying?"
Stop being in denial Five. Just accept it.
"But I don't! I don't..."
I sighed and looked over at Y/N. I studied her face in her sleep.
Stop staring it's creepy.
I looked down at my hands and pulled out the eye. I fidgeted with it in my fingers and remembered the apocalypse.


I was walking through the destroyed town and found a hand sticking out of the rubble. I walked over to it and pulled the eye out of its fingers. I held the eye in my own hand and looked up to who it was.
I felt myself tear up.
I sat back and looked around. I stood up and saw more bodies. I ran over to them and recognized Diego and Allison. I tried to shake Diego awake and some rubble fell off him. I felt a tear slip down my cheek as I looked around. I ran over to another body that I recognized as Klaus. I couldn't find Ben, Vonya, or Y/N.
I was crying now. I walked back over to my wagon.
"Do you think they somehow survived?" I asked Delores.
"No..." she spoke back.
I nodded and wiped my eyes.
"Five?!" My eyes shot open and I looked up.
"Five?! Are you here?!"
I recognize that voice.
"Five?!" I heard her yell and I started to run to where I heard it from.
I saw Y/N standing in front of some burning buildings.
"Five?!" She called again before looking down.
"Y/N!" I called back but was too late. She had already time travelled to who knows where.
I dropped to my knees.
"DAMMIT!" I screamed and felt myself crying.
I should have called out to her while I was running. I held my face as I cried. I just missed my one chance at being with another person again.

End of flashback

I let out an unsteady breath as I recalled that terrible memory.
I need a distraction.
I stood up and set Delores on Y/N's bed. I walked around her room and started cleaning up her mess. I had completely forgotten about my shoulder. I walked over to her mirror and looked at it. There were shards all over her dresser and broken pieces were still in the mirror.
"Jesus Y/N..." I muttered to myself. As I was cleaning the ones off her dresser, I noticed that a few were bloody. There were also some torn bloody bandages. I picked them up and turned to look at Y/N. She was still out. I saw her bandaged up hand.
She did say she cut her hand when she punched the mirror.
I sighed and continued to clean her room. After about 20 minutes I heard her stir in her sleep. She groaned and I turned to look at her. She slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes.
"Ugh...I have a headache..." she groaned.
I walked over and sat on the bed. "Hey, are you feeling better than earlier?"
She opened her eyes and looked at me, "What the-what...where am I?"
"Your bedroom."
"What? How did I get here?"
"I carried you" I chuckled.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry..."
I patted her head, "Don't worry about it"
She stared into my eyes for a moment then grabbed my arm.
"Y/N what-"
"Take off your jacket."
"Take off your jacket." She demanded.
I turned pink, "W-Why?"
She looked back up at my face again, "You were shot in the shoulder."
"Oh right..." I mentally facepalmed and took my jacket off. I stood up and took off my vest and button up shirt too. I was wearing an undershirt so it didn't matter. I grabbed a medical kit and sat back on the bed. Y/N took the kit out of my hands and pulled out some cleaner. She applied it to a pad and looked at me.
"This is going to sting." She spoke softly before starting to clean the cut. It did sting, but not too badly. I stared at her as she worked on my shoulder. She looked up at me and softly smiled before pulling out some medical thread.
"You're gonna need stitches." She spoke quietly. I groaned in response. She chuckled and prepared my arm. She started to stitch my arm closed and I quietly grunted in pain. She muttered and apology and finished up.
"Hold on" she said quietly and grabbed a washcloth. She wiped all the access blood off and put a bandaid over the stitches.
"All done!" She chirped and smiled.
I stared at her and thought about what Delores had said.
"Anyways!" I said quickly and stood up. She looked at me oddly. "Oh um, thank you..."
"It's nothing Five, as long as you're ok, I'm happy" she said and smiled.
"We should probably go to bed...I'm gonna need to work more tomorrow" I spoke.
"You mean we're probably going to have to work. I'm coming with you whether you want me too or not."
"Yeah I mean we're" I rolled my eyes. "Well, goodnight Y/N"
"Goodnight Five" she told me and smiled. I grabbed Delores and smiled back before spatial jumping to my room. I sat Delores in a chair and put a blanket on her. I changed into my pajamas and laid in my bed. I stared at the ceiling and thought of Y/N.
No. Stop thinking of her.
I don't like her.
The others don't know what they're talking about.
But Y/N is really important to me.
And she's really amazing.
But I don't like her.
I slowly drifted off into sleep.

Time skip an hour and a half

My eyes shot open at the presence of someone. I heard breathing next to me. I slowly reached over and poked them.
Oh it's Y/N
"Yeah? Wait Y/N when did you get here?"
"Just now."
"I'm scared"
I sighed in understanding and moved away from the edge of the bed so she had more room.
"Why are you so much nicer with me? Compared to everyone else I mean..."
That's a good question.
Why am I softer with her?
I don't know
"I-I don't know"
She hummed in response and I heard her yawn. She rolled over and looked into my eyes. With the little bit of moonlight coming through the window I could study her face. I studied the complexity of her E/C eyes and found myself staring deeper into them. In the moonlight I saw her turn pink and break the eye contact, looking down. I too started blushing when I realized that we had been staring at each other. I felt her arms wrap around my torso and turned red.
"Five?" She spoke softly.
"Can you just...just hold me...I just need some comfort right now..."
I turned even more red and nodded. She pulled herself into my chest and I wrapped my arms around her. I rested my head on top of hers and we sat like that for a little bit. Eventually I felt her fall asleep. I was going to separate us, but I was comfy.
I can't do this.
I shouldn't be doing this.
I'm cuddling with my best friend.
This is bad.
You don't cuddle with your best friend!
I need to pull myself away...
I was going to but my eyes felt heavy. I slowly started to fall asleep and despite me telling myself it was wrong, I enjoyed this. I was alone for 45 years and feeling the touch of another was nice. I drifted off and fell asleep, feeling at peace.

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