Chap 7

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The 5 of us waited in my room until it was dark. They walked back to their rooms and pretended to go to bed. I went invisible and watched Mr. Hargreeves. After he went to bed I silently walked into Vonya's room. Then Klaus's, then Ben's, then Five's. We all met at the front door. We were about to open it when we heard a noise from behind us. I quickly turned around to see Pogo.
"What are you 5 doing? He asked.
"Oh shit um-" Ben nervously stammered.
"We want out of the house for once. This is the only way we're going to get to do it" I said. The others stared at me like I was crazy and I shrugged.
"Please Pogo, we just want to have fun..." I turned to look at Vonya who smiled.
"I-...Very well, just don't stay out too late" he sighed.
Me and Klaus clasped our hands together and squealed quietly. I saw Five roll his eyes and I stuck my tongue out at him. We opened the door and walked out.
"Ok...Ok...we're out of the house are we going?" Ben spoke up.
"I have a couple ideas" I linked arms with Klaus and we slipped while the others speed walked to catch up.
After chatting with Klaus for a while I dropped back and walked next to Five.
"Heyyyyyyyyyyyy" I said and bumped my shoulder with him.
"Hey Y/N" he bumped his shoulder with mine playfully.
"Whatcha doing?"
"Sneaking out to god knows where with my friends"
I chuckled, "I know whereeeeee"
"A donut place!"
Five raised his eyebrows at my excitement.
"They have coffee too" I said and saw his face light up.
"Why didn't you say so sooner?! Let's go!"
I giggled and grabbed his wrist and ran in the direction. The other three running behind us.
"Tu-Dah!!!" I waved my hands out the donut restaurant. We walked in and all sat at the bar together.
"Hey kids, what can I get you?"
Five and I both ordered coffee, Vonya got a bagel, Ben got a chocolate donut, and Klaus got a donut tower covered in frosting.
When the food arrived, Five and I sat sipping our coffee judging Klaus. He stared at the tower not knowing how to approach it and I laughed. Eventually he managed to eat all of it. I paid the lady and we walked out. We were probably out for about 5 minutes when Klaus ran and threw up in a trash can.
Ben frantically checked if he was ok while Five and I laughed our asses off. Vonya just stood there awkwardly, not knowing how to react.
"C'mon guys, there's more I want to show you" I said and stepped in another direction. The others followed me with Five still chuckling at Klaus. We walked into a park and I ran to the middle of the grass. I laid on my back and stared at the stars. I felt Five lay next to me and the others lay around me.
"Look at all the stars" I commented.
Ben started nerding out and listing all the constellations.
"Nerrrddddddd" I heard Klaus day and noogie Ben again.
"Heyyyy what did I said about the hair! Stop it Klaus! Stoppp"
I giggled and laid my hands on my stomach. I heard Vonya, Ben, and Klaus all get into a conversation but I wasn't interested in joining it. I stood up and started walking around the park. I walked over to a hefty tree and climbed it. I sat on a branch and stared at the stars from there. I looked over at the group and watched them converse before realizing Five wasn't there. He suddenly spatial jumped right next to me and I yelped. I jumped back and started falling off the tree. Five grabbed my waist and arm and pulled me back up.
"Y/N oh my god I'm so sorry, are you ok?
I giggled, "I'm fine Five don't worry"
"Jeesh sorry, I probably should've thought that through more."
"It's ok, don't worry about it"
We sat in a comfortable silence before he spoke again.
"Want to play truth or truth? I'm not in the mood for dares, and I figured it'd be a good way to learn about each other."
I suddenly felt nervous.
I don't want Five to know everything about me and my past. There's a chance he could ask something I don't want to answer, but I also want to know about him...

Five's POV
"Sure" she replied.
"Ok I'll go first, do you like the Academy?"
"Yeah it's amazing"
"Like, more than when you lived at home?"
"Nonono Five, that's another question." She smirked and I pouted.
"Fine, you're turn"
"What's your biggest fear?"
"It's ok you don't have to tell me..."
"No it's ok I just...can we promise that anything we say in this conversation stays between us? I want to open up to you and I want you to open up to me, but I don't really want anyone else to know...y'know?"
"Yeah sure, I get it" she held out her pinky, "I pinky promise to not tell anyone what you tell me tonight"
I smiled and linked my pinky with hers, "I also promise to not tell anyone what you tell me tonight"
She smiled and we dropped our hands.
"So, your worst fear?" She asked again.
I sighed, "Seeing the people I care about die."
I looked up at her and she was looking at me. I stared into her eyes briefly before she pulled me in for a hug. I jumped slightly, as I was taken aback by it.
"Y-Y/N? You never hug anyone"
"I have to start somewhere I guess"
I slightly blushed at her comment and returned the hug quickly before pulling away.
"So Y/N...what is your biggest fear?"
She looked down at the ground, "Losing control of myself and my abilities"
"That's not irrational, I'm scared of that too"
She sat up, "Who's your favorite sibling?"
She giggled, "I don't have any siblings" her face dropped, "Not anymore"
"What happened to your sibling?" I asked suddenly and regretted it.
Y/N looked off sadly, "My brother killed himself" she said quietly.
I quickly side hugged her and she softly smiled.
"Five don't worry, it was years ago"
"What's been your worst injury?" She asked.
"Probably when I got shot in the arm one time. It sucked"
"Ouch I bet"
"What was your life like before you moved in with us?"
I expected her to say it was boring or something, but she looked off into the distance. I saw her eyes become glossy and she looked like she slightly teared up.
" was terrible to be honest" she spoke.
"Oh, why?"
"M-M-My Mom...she she would..." I saw her swallow, "She would hurt me." She whispered out the last part.
My eyes widened and I felt sorry for her.
"Y'know I'm glad you guys found me when you did..."
"Why's that?"
"She had thrown me out of the house that night...after um..."
"After what?"
"It's not important"
"Five don't worry about it it's-"
I grabbed her shoulders tightly, I was angry at her mother. "What did she do?" I asked sternly.
"She-She...she cut me..."
I let go of her shoulders and she looked at me.
"She cut me all over my stomach..."
"That's what I saw isn't it?"
"What's the worst thing she ever did to you?"
"Just stuff like that...she'd cut up my chest and stomach a lot"
"I don't even know if she was the worst part about my life though...there were these kids too"
"Why'd they do?"
"Bully me a lot"
"Y/N..." I reached over to her and pulled her into a tight hug which she returned quickly. I felt her tears on my shoulder and pulled away. After that, we continued talking about some really heavy topics when we heard Klaus beneath us.
"Hey love birds! Can you come down now! We want to go home!"
"We're not lovebirds Klaus!" I heard her call out and I snickered.
"Klaus!" I heard her call out.
"Yeah?" He walked under her.
"Catch meeeeeee" she jumped off the branch and I frantically looked over and saw Klaus catch her. I sighed and spatial jumped to the ground.
"Let's go home now...please..." Ben said timidly.
"Fineeeeeeeee" I heard Y/N drag out and I chuckled.
As we were walking home I watched Y/N and Klaus argue about food. I chuckled to myself and kept walking. We were getting close when Y/N got pulled into an Alley. We all ran over and saw a lady holding Y/N to a wall with a knife to her throat.
"Let her go!" I called out.
She looked at me, "Or what?"
I stood silently. I didn't want to get too close in fear of that she might hurt Y/N.
"M-Mom...please don't do this" I heard Y/N weakly get out.
My eyes widened.
Her mother pressed the blade against her skin, "Don't talk to me like that Y/N"
"M-Mother please-"
"Shut it bitch! Remember who you are! You worthless, pathetic, useless, pitiful, bastard of a girl! You shouldn't have even been born"
I saw Y/N have tears flow down her cheeks before she disappeared. The mother felt around for her and looked at us.
"Where is she?!"
I shrugged casually and prepared to beat her up when Y/N re-appeared and held her mother in a choke hold.
She time traveled
"Don't touch me ever again!" She yelled out and got ready to snap her neck, "Or I will kill you"
I saw her throw her mom to the ground and walk over to us and quickly walk home. She entered the house quickly and walked up to her room, shutting the door before any of us even made it to the stairs.
That doesn't seem good

Weirdo (Five x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant