Chap 15

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After Grace bandaged up my shoulder she let me go. I walked down the hallways and to my room. I felt the knife in my waistband with my right hand as I was walking. When I got to my door Five spatial jumped in front of me.
"Jesus!" I shouted and stepped backwards.
Five awkwardly smiled, "Just like when we were kids huh..."
I rolled my eyes but slightly smiled.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Well...I want to make everything up to you"
"What?" I looked up at his eyes.
"I know you gave up a lot for me...I just want to try and make it up..."
I looked down, "There's no way you can make up everything..."
"I know...I just want you to see how sorry I am"
I chuckled, "That won't restore my sanity Five."
"I know Y/N...just...please? Let's just be friends again..."
"You wouldn't have given all of that up for no reason, I was that reason. Now said reason is trying to be with you, what's the logic?"
I chuckled softly, "Alright"
He smiled, and I slightly smiled back. I started to open my door but stopped before he could see anything.
"Um Five?"
"I uh...well I destroyed my room...when you first got back..."
"I'm sure it's not too bad, Y/N it's fine"
I nervously laughed and slowly opened my door and walked in. I saw his eyes widen and slightly giggled. He stepped in and looked around.
"What happened to the mirror?" He asked and turned to face me.
Why does everyone notice that
I nervously brought my hand behind my back, "Nothing, I just threw something at it."
He raised an eyebrow at me and spatial jumped behind me, grabbing my hand.
"Y/N did you punch the mirror?!"
I pulled away from his touch, "Yeah yeah I did, whatever."
"That's not good"
I smiled and shook my head, "I'm fine so it's fine"
"That's not how it works"
"It is now" I flopped backwards onto my still bare bed and stared at the ceiling. I felt Five lay next to me and looked at him.
"This brings back memories" he said. I nodded and in agreement and stared at the ceiling again.
"So Y/N..."
"Um...why'd you look for me?"
I sighed and sat up, "Why are you so fixated on this?"
"I don't know...I guess it's just hard to believe someone would care enough to try and find me..."
I looked at him and he sat up.
"Sorry that was mean..." he said quickly.
"Don't be, I get it." I said and stared at the ground. He looked at me in confusion and I let out a scoff with a smile.
"What do you mean?"
I looked over at my broken mirror, "I-ah, nobody really cares about me...not anymore at least...I know you did when we were younger"
"Don't try defending me Five," I looked at him, "I know it's the truth"
"No you're right, I deserve it. I'm just a useless, worthless, pathetic, disappointing-"
I was cut off by Five placing a hand over my mouth. I pushed it off of me.
"What the heck?!"
"Don't talk bad about yourself. Please."
"It doesn't matter Five"
"Yes it does. Please just...just don't"
I stared at him oddly. "Why does it matter?"
"Because! Because I care about you Y/N! I care so much! I can't stand when you talk bad about yourself..."
I stared in shock at him, "Five..."
"Y'know you're one of the things that kept me going all those years...I just thought that I would be able to make it back here to be with my family...and to be with you again..."
"And I know it sounds bad and all but it's the truth. I wanted to come back, see you, and just apologize. I wanted to do it as soon as I laid my eyes on you again but you kinda slapped me then ran...not saying I didn't deserve it"
"And I kept those notes you gave me during breakfast that day..."
He pulled 2 wrinkled pieces of paper out of his pocket. They were my apologies and the one that said I cared about him. He looked at the ground.
"I knew you cared about me, and I wanted to apologize for not listening to you. For shoving you. For not always treating you right. For not always being there for you when you needed me. And for leaving you. And-"
"FIVE" I shouted and he looked up at me. I grabbed him and pulled him closer to me. I wrapped my arms around him and laid my head on his shoulder. He jumped at my action but leaned into it and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me back.
"It's ok Five..."
I heard him sob, "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry Y/N"
I tightened my hug around him, "It's ok Five...I-I...I forgive you"
He pulled away and stared into my eyes, "Really?"
I nodded and looked away smiling. When I looked at him he was smiling.
"Thank you" he said.
I lightly slapped his shoulder, "You're still a dork"
He smiled and poked me, "And you're still short"
I pretended to be offended and we both laughed.
We talked about memories we had together and the 'old times' even though we were still technically kids.
"Hey Y/N?"
"What happened out there..."
I sighed, "I'm not really sure to be perfectly had never happened before"
"But what was it?"
"It was like I was being haunted by my memories. Everywhere I looked I could see us as kids doing something. I ran outside to get away from everything but it got worse. Everything started spinning and becoming distorted. Next thing I knew I was being told how worthless I was by a voice and everything was dark. It told me that you-"
I cut myself off.
"It told me something I didn't want to hear which led to me screaming..."
"What was the deal with the powers acting out?"
"Um...I sort of lose control of them when I have breakdowns like that"
"I don't know what it was but it was terrifying."
"I bet"
"Um...I'm sure you probably know but the apocalypse is in 8 days.."
"Oh yeah I know. I'm fully aware."
"I went to the apocalypse a good 200 times during my travels"
He stared wide eyed, "Y/N that's where I was."
I looked at him, "What?"
"Yeah I was trapped in the apocalypse"
I laughed slightly, "Of course! Of course I couldn't do anything right! I was there! I was literally right there and still couldn't find you, Damn that's pathetic"
"Y/N please don't do that to yourself"
"No Five, look" I grabbed my notebook and aggressively placed it in his lap. "Everyday I travelled I logged."
I watched him flip through it before he pulled me in for a tight hug.
"I'm so sorry Y/ wouldn't have had to do that if I had listened to you"
"It's ok Five..."
"I'm sorry"
I giggled and messed with his hair, "Dork"
"Heyyyyy not the hair"
I giggled and messed with it more despite his whines.
"Y/N?! Five?! Where are you guys?!" We heard Klaus. "The funeral is starting soon!"
"I should clean up and get dressed" I said.
Five nodded, "Me too, I need to get out of these clothes, they're too big on me."
He left and I stood up. I changed into a black dress that was lace with long sleeves.

 I changed into a black dress that was lace with long sleeves

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I kept some tights under it because I will always wear pants. I put on a pair of converse and took my hair out of its braid. I didn't like Mr. Hargreeves, but I will still be respectful. I also knew it was raining but I didn't care. I stepped out of my room and took a deep breath.
"Y/N?" I heard Five.
I turned and saw him staring at me.
"You look nice" he said awkwardly.
"Thanks." I looked at what he was wearing and laughed. "You have to wear the Academy outfit?" I said in between laughs. He rolled his eyes.
"C'mon were gonna be late for the funeral"
"Ok ok"
"Where's your umbrella?"
"I don't have one"
"Oh, wanna share with me?"
"Sure" I smiled which he returned. We walked down the stairs and outside under the umbrella together. Vonya looked at me, "You look nice Y/N"
"Thanks" I smiled at her.
"I'm glad to see you 2 made up" she said gesturing and Five and I.
"Yeah yeah..."
She smiled and we walked over to the others.
This is a bad time to notice I still have the knife...why? I don't know...

Weirdo (Five x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora