Chap 47

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Five drove us back to the academy quickly and parked in front.  We all kicked open the doors and stepped out. Luther grabbed Allison and I held her neck to help stop the bleeding.
"Come on let's go!" Five called out.
"I don't think she's breathing!" Luther spoke.
"If we don't get her upstairs she's gonna die!" Klaus yelled out.
We rushed her in and quickly ran up the stairs. Grace hurried us into a room and we laid her on the table. Five replaced me and held her neck, while Grace spoke up.
"She's suffered a severe laceration to her larynx. One of you will need to give blood."
"I will." We all spoke.
"I will," Five repeated.
"I'm doing it." Luther spoke.
"I'm afraid that's not possible, dear boy" Pogo spoke up, "Your blood is more compatible with mine..."
That's tough
Luther looked at him solemnly.
Klaus spoke up and we all looked at him, "Hey don't sweat it. I-I got this, big guy."
He walked over next to Grace, "I love needles."
He rubbed his arm while holding it out to her.
"Master Klaus. Your blood should I say this...too polluted..." Pogo spoke again.
He did that to himself
"I'll do it." I spoke.
Five looked at me with concern.
"There's nothing wrong with my blood, so I'll do it." I continued.
"It May be risky Y/N, you lost a lot of blood the other day. It may not be safe yet." Pogo spoke.
"I don't care. Move." I pushed the others out of the way and walked next to Grace. I sat down in a chair that Pogo brought me. I rolled up my sleeve and heard the others take in a sharp breath when they saw my stitches. Grace placed a band on my upper arm and prepared the needle. I nervously swallowed.
I've always hated needles
I'm doing it for Allison
Grace slowly inserted the needle into my arm, using it to draw blood. I winced as she did so and bit the inside of my lip. She repeated the process several times until she had a couple small bottles of my blood. She placed a bandaid where the needle had been and I pulled down my sleeve. And stood up.
Oh boy
That's a lot of dizziness
I stepped backwards and stumbled slightly. The others looked at me and I held my head. I looked over and saw Grace stitching up Allison's neck. Five had let go and was staring at me. I sighed and Pogo quietly asked us to leave so Grace could work. I nodded and turned, walking into the hallways. I stumbled over my feet, swaying as I waked.
Everything was getting hazy.
I felt an arm grab my waist, and pull my arm over their shoulders. I looked over at them as they helped me walk.
I smiled at the sight of him as he helped me walk to my room.
I tripped on my feet and started to fall but Five held me up.
"Y/ careful."
I giggled in response.
"Dammit Y/N...Pogo told you it was dangerous. And you did it anyways..."
I nodded, "I did it for Allison...and for you..."
He looked over at me, "For me? How?"
"I know how much you care about your family, so I helped save part of it..."
I closed my eyes gently and when I opened them, I was in my bed. Five was sitting at the end of it, fidgeting with the eye. I slowly sat up and held my head.
"What? When did-"
"You passed out in the hallway. I carried you here. You've been out for almost 2 hours."
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Wait, you've been waiting for me?"
He nodded, "I wanted to make sure you woke up."
He placed the eye in his pocket and stood up.
"I'll be right back" He spoke before spatial jumping.
A couple minutes passed before he returned, in the Umbrella Academy pjs. I chuckled and he rolled his eyes. He turned out the light and climbed into bed with me. I stared at his face, specially his dark green eyes.
"I love your eyes..." I whispered.
He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I nuzzled my face into his chest and he rested his head on top of mine. We laid silently before I felt him fall asleep. I slowly drifted off, smiling.

Yeet yeet time skeep
Still ur POV
I woke up as I felt Five stir in his sleep. I slowly opened my eyes and saw him roll over repeatedly. He would occasionally softly speak but it was never loud enough for me to hear what. I looked at the clock.
3:00 am
I gently grabbed Five's shoulder and shook him. He didn't wake up, so I shook him harder. He shot up, taking in a deep breath before holding his chest. He was shaking and I sat up, looking at his face.
He's crying...
I reached up and patted his shoulder. He jolted before quickly wiping his eyes. He slowly turned to face me.
"Sorry...I didn't mean to wake you up..." he whispered.
"It's ok, I'm the one who woke you up."
We stared into each other's eyes and I softly smiled.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.
"You was of the apocalypse...and you all died...I couldn't save you..." He whispered weakly.
I saw another tear slip down his cheek. I reached up and wiped it away. I cupped his cheek and stroked him with my thumb gently.
"It's ok Five. It was just a nightmare, we'll get Harold. We'll make sure he dies and doesn't cause that to happen."
He nodded, "Just...if were fighting...protect yourself ok? Don't worry about me..."
I shook my head and chuckled slightly, "I would never. I'll always protect you, you can't get rid of me that easily."
I continued to stare at him silently. Five slowly shifted so that he was in front of me. He gently grabbed my waist with one hand. He leaned in slowly and I did the same. Our lips met softly and my eyes fluttered closed.
I was swarmed with emotions.
He pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine.
"That was nice..." he muttered.
I didn't respond and tilted my face up, meeting his lips again. He leaned into the kiss and pulled me closer to him by my waist.
I depend the kiss by moving my hand up to his hair, running my hand through it.
He slowly leaned me backwards as the kiss became more heated. I used my free arm for support until my back was flat on the bed.
Five broke the kiss. He was hovering over me with one arm on my waist, and one supporting his weight. One of my hands was in his hair and the other arm was at my side. We both stared at each other before Five connected our lips again. My free hand joined the other one and ran through his hair. He wrapped his arm around my back as we deepened the kiss.
Minutes passed before Five pulled away and hovered over me. We both took deep breaths and I tried to catch mine.
What the hell just happened?
We both turned bright red and he dropped next to me. I faced the wall, staring at it intensely.
Ok so
That just happened
I felt Five wrap his arms around my stomach and pull himself into my back. He nuzzled his face into my shoulder. I reached down and pulled the blankets back over us.
"Who would've thought, that me having a nightmare...would lead to us making out..." he muttered quietly into my ear.
I turned crimson and felt him fall asleep.
I rested my hands on his, which were on my stomach, before slowly falling asleep again.

Hope y'all liked it

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