Chap 49

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Five parked outside the Academy and we all climbed out of the car.
"Ok, look around for Vanya." I told the others.
The nodded and we walked into the Academy, spreading out.
A few minutes passed and we all met up.
"Anything?" I asked.
"She's Not in any of the rooms" Diego responded.
Klaus spoke as well, "She's Not downstairs either."
I sighed and Five looked at me sympathetically.
"Well I'm out" Diego said.
"Wait-" Klaus started.
"Where are you going?" Five asked.
I spoke up, "Vanya is still out there."
Five continued, "So are Hazel and Cha-Cha"
Diego looked at us, "I know. I'm gonna get my things then I'm gonna get out of here. I've got some unfinished business with those fools.
I groaned
If you get killed I swear to god
I will kill your dead body
I heard Five sigh and he looked at Klaus.
"Hey, did Dad say anything about the apocalypse when you spoke to him? Any clues as to how it happened?"
Klaus responded, "No. No clues. Truly terrific shave...but no clues."
Five stared silently before signing. He walked past me and down the stairs.
"Jeez" I heard him mutter.
I followed behind him with Klaus.
Klaus spoke again, "You know, come to think of it he did mention something about my potential, and how I've barely even scratched the surface of my-"
Five who was messing with the eye cut him off,
"How did he know about the apocalypse?"
Klaus continued, "I don't know, but listen. This whole jumping through time thing of yours, how did did you know how to do that?"
Five looked up annoyedly at him as we stepped onto the floor. "I didn't. You'd realize that if you were actually sober."
"Hey I am sober. I've been sober for 2-almost 2 days now."
Five sassed him, "Yeah 2 days."
"Feels like 45 years..."
"Who are you kidding Klaus? I've seen you fidgeting all day."
"Well then I guess we're both fighting our addictions, then."
Oh shit
Klaus walked over to Five as Five spoke.
"I'm not an addict."
"Yeah you are. You're addicted to a drug called, the apocalypse."
"You're wrong."
I stepped in, "Alright guys let's not do this. It's not necessary."
"Oh hush Y/N, We all know you have your addictions too." Klaus addressed me.
"That's besides the point. We need to-"
"No. The task is done, Harold is dead. We don't need to worry about this anymore. Stop fixating on the apocalypse and go do something else! Y/N you're just feeding his addiction. And you need to deal with your own before anything else."
"It's not you place to tell me what to do, Klaus."
"Yeah? Well it doesn't change the facts. Fight your own battles before dealing with anyone else's."
Five spoke up, "I'm kind of lost, what exactly are your addictions?" He asked me.
"Shall you explain Y/N? Or do I have to?" Klaus spoke up.
I groaned in annoyance, "I'm not entirely sure what he's talking about to be honest."
"Yeah you do. You're addicted to others. You can't feel anything good about yourself, so you rely on others to do it for you!" Klaus slightly yelled at me.
Why is he so mad at me?!
"That's not true Klaus." Five defended me.
I stood silently.
"Think about it Five. Has she ever said anything good about herself? No. She makes others do that for her because she can't do it herself."
I stood silently.
He's not necessarily wrong
Since when did he hate me?
"So what Klaus? We all do that sometimes." Five continued to defend me.
"Yeah, a little bit is ok. She's just like a leech. It's a problem Five. She needs to deal with that before anything else."
I felt my eyes start to burn, indicating I was about to cry.
"Well at least I didn't destroy my body because I'm afraid of my own powers!" I snapped at him.
Klaus turned to face me, "Yeah? You broke your mental state over a boy!" He yelled at me.
I felt a tear slip down my cheek.
"I did it for a reason that would benefit others! You just wasted yourself!"
"You did it for yourself Y/N and you know it! You abandoned all of us here because of one boy!"
"He's your brother you bitch!" I screamed out at him.
"So was Ben!" He screamed back.
I stood silently, fuming with anger.
"That didn't stop you from leaving again, did it?" He spoke.
"Shut up!" I yelled at him.
"No, face the facts Y/N! All you care about is yourself and your precious Five! Well I'm sick of it!"
"Shut up!"
"Face it Y/N! You're just-"
"I SAID SHUT UP!" I screamed and launched a rock pillar at him. He slammed onto the ground and slid into the wall behind him. He looked up at me and I rushed at him. I punched him repeatedly and he pushed at me to get off.
"Y/N! Y/N stop it!" I heard Five scream out.
I ignored him and cried as I beat up Klaus. I felt arms grab me and pull me off him.
"Y/N stop!" Five yelled at me.
"Let me go!" I screamed out.
"You need to calm down!"
"Put me down!"
Five set me down and grabbed my face, making me look at him.
"Y/N stop! Calm down!"
I tried to push him off me.
"Look at what you die to Klaus! Calm down now!"
I glanced over at Klaus and saw him slowly stand up. He held his ribs and coughed as his nose bled.
Holy shit
I did that?!
"Oh my god...Klaus!" I broke out of Five's grip and rushed over to him.
"I-I-I'm Sorry! I don't know w-what got i-into me!"
He stared down at me, "My point still stands." He spoke coldly and walked away.
I covered my mouth with my hands and sobbed as the tears flowed down my cheeks.
I can't believe it...
I hurt him
I actually hurt Klaus
I dropped to my knees and sobbed. I looked up at Five as he walked over.
"Y/N what the hell was that?!" He asked sternly.
"You literally beat the shut out of Klaus for no reason!"
"I didn't mean to! I-I just-"
"How could you not mean to beat someone up?!"
"I just snapped! I wasn't planning to hurt him! I-I was just hurt by his comments! I don't know why he hates me now!"
"So you hurt him physically?! He's my brother Y/N! I care about him! You can't just go beat up people I care about!"
"Five I-"
"Not now Y/N..." he sighed, "We can talk later. I need to cool down, and it seems like you do too."
He looked down at me one last rime before spatial jumping away. I held my chest and sobbed while still on the ground.
Why do I always mess everything up?!

Weirdo (Five x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu