Chap 22

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Klaus joined me and Five, and we followed Lance over to a cabinet. Klaus sat on top of it and Five sat in a chair across from Lance. I stood next to him, holding my shoulder. I pulled my hand away and looked at it.
Shit it is bleeding a lot.
I guess that's what I get for slicing my stitches...
I put my hand on it again as Lance pulled out a folder. He looked through it as Five glared at him.
"Huh that's strange..." Lance spoke.
"What?" Five responded.
"Uh, the eye. It hasn't been purchased by a client yet."
Klaus jumped off next to Lance. "What? What do you mean?"
"Well, uh, our logs say that the eye with that serial number..." Lance nervously spoke as Klaus circled him. "This can't be right. It hasn't even been manufactured yet."
Lance looked up at Five. "Where did you get that eye?"
I saw Five pale slightly and heard him sigh. He looked down before standing up abruptly and grabbing my hand, dragging me to the elevator. Klaus followed behind and Five dropped my hand once we were in the elevator.
"I can walk myself y' don't have to drag me every time..." I spoke quietly.
I saw Five slightly blush but continue to sulk as we went down.
We all walked out of the building and onto the steps.
"Well this is not good..." Five spoke.
"I was pretty good, though, right? 'Yeah what about my consent, bitch?'" Klaus spoke and laughed.
I rolled my eyes and held my shoulder. My hurt arm rested against my side. I kept it limp because it helped with the pain.
"Klaus it doesn't matter." Five spoke.
"What? What? What's the big deal with this eye anyways?" Klaus asked.
"There is someone out there who's going to lose an eye in the next 7 days. They're going to bring about the end of life on this Earth as we know it." Five walked over to me. He started to look at my shoulder when Klaus spoke again.
"Yeah, can I get that 20 bucks like now, or what?"
Five turned around and looked at him. "Your 20 bucks?"
"Yeah my 20 bucks."
I scoffed.
Five spoke again, clearly annoyed. "The apocalypse is coming, and all you can think about is getting high?"
"Well, I'm also quite hungry. Tummy's a-rumblings." He said an pretended to make his stomach growl.
I groaned and stared up at the sky. I felt blood trail down my arm and start to drip onto the ground.
Whatever it's fine.
"You're useless." Five spoke. I looked over at him.
"You're all useless!" He spoke and walked over, sitting down on the steps. I sat next to him and he whispered to me, "Except you, you know what you're doing."
I softly smiled and Klaus walked over.
"Lighten up old man. You too Y/N." He spoke and pointed at me. I scoffed and rested my head on my good arm.
"Hey you know, I've just now realized why you're both so uptight. You must be horny, as hell!" He laughed.
I glared at him and he chuckled before continuing. "All those years by yourself. It's gotta screw with your head, being alone."
He sat next to Five and I glared at him, "Shut up Klaus."
Five spoke up quietly, "Well, I wasn't alone..."
I looked at him in slight shock and felt slight jealousy.
"Oh? Pray tell." Klaus spoke. I sat back and stared at Five as he spoke.
"Her name was Delores."
Shit it's a her?
Wait, why do I feel so jealous?
"We we're together for over 30 years..." Five spoke as he looked at Klaus.
I felt a pang and gripped at my chest.
"30 years? Oh wow!" Klaus chuckled.
Not dealing with this.
I stood up and both of them looked at me before I went invisible. I slowly walked away from them.
"Y/N? Y/N where are you going?" I heard Five call out.
I turned visible and looked at him from the sidewalk.
"I need to clear my head! I'll be where I always went!" I shouted before turning invisible again.
"Y/N! Y/N wait!" I heard Five. I saw him stand up and run over to where I was.
"Y/N? What's wrong?!"
"Nothing! I just need to think!" I called back and took off running. I saw him walk back over to Klaus and sighed.
Let's see...
I know exactly what kind of toxin I need right now...
Five won't approve
He did make me quit right before he left...
Screw his logic.
Then it's decided.
I walked into a store while still invisible and picked up a couple packets of what I needed and a lighter before leaving the store. I walked back to the academy and walked straight into the courtyard. I walked to the back and started climbing the wall, being reminded of my youth. I made it to the rooftop and sighed happily. I walked over to a sturdy spot and sat down. I pulled out one of the packets I had shop lifted and the lighter.
I lit one of them and placed the cigarette in my lips. I took a deep breath and felt the cancer fill my lungs.
This is nice.
I sighed and stared over the courtyard and continued to smoke.
Damn it's been too long since I felt this feeling.
It's nice.
Why did I ever stop.
I deeply inhaled the cancer again, smiling.
Oh yeah, Five made me.
I looked over the edge of the roof and down into the courtyard.
You won't be missed.
"Oh just shut up." I said calmly. I closed my eyes and peacefully sat on the roof, smoking to my hearts content.
Fives not going to like this...
Whatever, he doesn't need me.
He has Delores.
Whoever she is.
I chuckled to myself and threw the used cigarette down into the courtyard before pulling out another one and lighting it.
I really am jealous.
Isn't that funny?
I don't even know why, or who I'm jealous of...
I just am.
I sat peacefully with my thoughts.
I must have been up there for a while because I finished the whole pack. I pulled out another one when I saw Five walk into the courtyard.
Oh great.
Here comes the lecture.
He looked up at the roof and saw me before walking over to the wall and climbing up. I sighed and pulled out another cigarette, lighting it and placing it to my lips. Five pulled himself onto the roof and walked over to me. I heard him sigh as he looked at me.
I exhaled some smoke and looked at him, "Yes Five?"
"What are doing..." he walked over and sat next to me.
"As I said...I'm clearing my head..."
He sighed, "You know how I feel about smoking Y/N...that's bad for you."
"Oh really? I had no idea!" I spoke sarcastically. I placed the cigarette back in my lips and stared at the horizon.
"Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" He asked.
I exhaled the smoke, "There's nothing worth your time."
"Bullshit. Anything bothering you is worth my time."
I slightly chuckled, "Why?"
"Because I care about you...a shit ton Y/N. Please don't push me away..."
I scoffed quietly and went to smoke again and Five smacked the cigarette out of my hand. It fell to the ground in the courtyard and I sighed.
"If it's making you do this," he gestured to me, "I know it's bad." He spoke.
"It's nothing Five...there's just a lot going on in my head and I wanted a break."
"Are you going to tell me about it?"
I shook my head, "It's unimportant."
He grabbed my face and made me look at him.
"Y/N. If it's bothering you, it becomes important to me."
I blushed and when he noticed I saw him turn pink as well.
"Y/N?" He asked while still holding my face.
"Yeah Five?"
"Were you...were you jealous?"
My heart stopped for a second. "Um...yeah..."
"Of what? Delores?"
I chuckled and nodded.
"Why? She's a mannequin..." he spoke.
I chuckled, "I don't really know to be honest...I don't really think I have a reason to be..."
Five chuckled, "I don't know why either"
The sun started to set and a Five let go of my face, looking at it. His gaze returned to me and he spoke.
"Y/N? What happened earlier? In the taxi..."
"Five I don't-"
"I'm not letting you not talk about it. You need to talk about it."
I sighed.
He's not going to give up until I tell him...
He grabbed my hands and I looked up at him.
"Please...tell me"
I sighed, "I just...It was like I lost control of my body...I was...trapped in my own mind. It was dark and nobody was there. I was alone and everything was telling me how worthless I am. They kept saying that I meant n-"
I cut myself off.
"That you what?" Five asked.
I looked away from him, "That I meant nothing to you...that you were just using me to stop the apocalypse...that's not true...right?"
I looked up to meet his eyes.
"No! Of course that's not true! You mean so much to me, and I can't imagine what my life would've been like without you. I don't know how I would've gotten through being stuck in the future if I didn't have you as motivation. I can't imagine it. You're so important to's hard to explain...Y/N I can't even describe it."
I turned red and looked down at my hands, which he was still holding. He noticed and let go of them. I looked up at him and he was red as well. I laughed quietly and slowly hugged him. He returned it and we both sat on the roof, hugging each other. The sun finally finished setting and it started to get dark.
"Five we should get down before it gets too dark." I spoke
He nodded and we walked over to the wall and climbed down it. Once we touched ground Five started walking to the door to go inside. I reached out and grabbed his hand.
He looked at me and I spoke softly, "Thanks Five..."
He smiled, "I told you the truth Y/N."
I smiled back and we walked inside. He started to walk towards the front door and I stopped him.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm gonna get Delores..." he spoke quietly.
I smiled, "Ok wait for me, I'm gonna get Grace to fix my shoulder."
"Alright?" He said and sat on the steps. I walked into the kitchen and asked Grace to fix me up. She smiled and asked me to head upstairs and that she'd meet me there with her medical stuff.
Five said I mean a lot to him...
He really does care...
I smiled to myself and felt my cheeks slightly heat up as I thought of what he said.
Now to go get that mannequin.

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