Chap 51

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Five and I walked out of my room and down the stairs. He walked over to the bar and starting grabbing ingredients. I sat on a stool and watched him.
He really is amazing
I can't imagine having to live without him
That's cause I probably wouldn't
I studied his face as he worked on making the margarita.
Everything he said
It's almost like...
It's almost like he loves me...
Don't be crazy Y/N
He just likes me...
A lot...
I nervously swallowed and turned a slight pink remember what just happened. Five placed a straw in the margaritas and handed me one. He sat on the stool next to me and sipped it.
"Do you think we really did it?" He asked me.
I looked at him in confusion.
"Do you think we actually stopped the apocalypse?"
I sipped my margarita, "What I think're paranoid."
He smiled and I ruffled his hair.
"Now what?" He asked, "I was so focused on stopping the apocalypse and, getting back to you. Now I've done both of those and I don't know what to do."
I sipped and he met my eyes, "I'm open to suggestions."
I chuckled, "Well how about we focus on enjoying our margaritas at this very moment. And why don't we enjoy each other's company while we're at it."
He smiled, "Alright, that's fine"
He reached over and locked out pinkies together and I softly smiled. There was a loud knock on the door, making me slightly jump in shock.
Five groaned, "I'll get it" he called out to the house. He got up and grabbed his margarita, walking over to the door. I sat silently and sipped mine.
I should talk to Klaus
But I really don't feel like seeing him right now...
I'll do it later
I continued to drink my margarita as I worried about Klaus when Five interrupted my thoughts.
"Are you here to kill me?" I heard him ask.
I immediately jumped up in defense and stood in front of Five.
Oh it's Hazel
"Oh. Shit. Sorry, old habits" he replied as he put away his gun.
I relaxed and hopped back up on my stool, grabbing my margarita.
Hazel spoke again, "I can understand why you might feel the way."
"Well you attacked our house, tried to kill my family and Y/N, and kidnapped my brother." Five responded.
I shrugged in agreement as Hazel replied. "Look there's not much I can do about the past. Don't forget I'm not the only killer in this room. You got your own bloody history pal."
He looked at me, "You do too Y/N."
Five looked down guilty and I patted his back while glaring at Hazel.
He continued, "Speaking of which, that job you did in Calhoun, that shits legendary. And you Y/N, what you did to our people is, well, also legendary. I can't believe I'm actually sitting here, talking to you both-"
Five cut him off "Hazel why are you here?"
"Well I-"
He was cut off again by Diego running up and kicking him in the back.
I winced as Five called out, "Diego stop!"
I sipped my margarita as Diego flipped over Hazel, yelling at him to get up before kicking him in the face. I smiled as I drank.
This'll be entertaining to watch
Five frowned at me and I shrugged. I continued to sip as Five spoke up, "You know before you kill him, you might want to hear what he has to...say"
He paused as Hazel punched Diego to the ground. Diego jumped up and pulled out a knife.
"I'm gonna kill you for what you did to Patch." Diego spoke.
Ooh tea
Hazel reaches out to us in confusion before jumping to dodge Diego's knife.
Five rolled his eyes, "Or don't. See how that goes."
I chuckled and we continued drinking while watching the fight. Diego stabbed the knife into Hazel's leg and Five and I winced.
"That's gotta hurt" Five spoke.
Hazel pusher Diego away and pulled the knife out. Diego came back and continued punch him before backflipping and kicking him twice in the face.
I rolled my eyes.
So extra
Hazel grabbed Diego and lifted him into the air. Diego leaned over and hit his ear. I glanced at Five, who put down his margarita before spatial jumping. He ended up behind Diego and smashed a glass vase on his head. I winced as Hazel dropped Diego to the floor.
"I draw the line at biting." Five spoke and walked back over to me. Hazel brushed the glass off of him and Five spoke again.
"Hazel whatever you came here to say, I suggest you make it quick."
I spoke up, "You don't want to wait for Diego to wake up."
Hazel spoke, "I left my partner, quick the commission, came to volunteer."
"For what?" I asked
"To help stop the apocalypse."
Five chuckled.
Hazel glared at him, "What on earth could be so funny to you right now?"
Five responded, "Before I answer that, why do you want to help us?"
"Let's just say I have a vested interest in a doughnut shop."
"Well, I hate to break it to you pal, but your a day late, and a dollar short. The fact that you're here right now means, without a shadow of a doubt, the apocalypse is over."
"Really? How do you know?" Hazel asked.
I answered, "We found Harold Jenkins dead a couple chapters ago. Should've been there it was great. You were the last known unknown left in the situation."
Five nodded and Hazel chuckled, "Shit, really?"
Five hummed in agreement, "And if you're out, the hellrider aunt riding."
Hazel smiled, "Oh! Alright!"
He sat next to Five and grabbed the leftover margarita. He drank it and Five looked at me. We smiled at each other and Hazel put the drink down.
"So how what?" He asked.
"To be honest I don't know. I was so focused on stopping this and being with Y/N that I never thought about the day after." Five responded.
"Enjoy life! Live it! Be happy! Go be with your Ms. Right! Have an enjoyable life!" I spoke up.
The two looked at me and Hazel smiled.
"I'm gonna start over." He looked at Five, "You should do the same."
Five sighed, "That's easier said than done."
Hazel responded as I sipped my margarita.
"It doesn't have to be hard. I mean, think about it like this. If you never time traveled, you never got caught up with the Handler, what would have happened?"
Five glanced back at Diego and looked at me before turning back to Hazel, "Guess I would have grown up to be an emotionally stunted man-child like everybody else around here."
Hazel responded, "Well, there you go. Now you can grown up." He looked at me, "You both can, together. Good luck."
He got up and started to walk away.
Five turned around, "Hazel, one more thing before you go."
"Shoot" he responded
"Which one of you was the trigger man for detective Patch?"
"Trigger Women." He spoke.
Five sighed, "That's too bad, that gun could have cleared my brothers name."
"Well, todays you're lucky day, Amigo." Hazel spoke and pulled out two guns. He walked over and sat them on the bar. "Take them both, I'm done with this life."
Five nodded and Hazel walked away. He left the house and I leaned my head on Five's shoulder.
"I'm so happy." I spoke quietly.
"Yeah? Why's that?" Five asked as he leaned his head on top of mine.
"I get to live a peaceful life now. And it gets to be with you."
I felt him smile. "Yeah, it'll be nice"

Off hiatus!!
Sorry for the long wait, there was a lot going on in my life, but I'm finally here! There's still a lot going on, but I'll try and update whenever I can. Also
I'll do something special if we hit 100k so leave some recommendations in the comments. Idk what but I'll do something cuz that's crazy.
Andy was, THANKS!

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