Chap 23

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Grace had to re-do the stitches in my shoulder. It was pretty quick and I walked to my room to change my shirt. I put on a black hoodie and walked down the stairs to meet Five.
"Alright, let's go get her." I spoke.
Five turned around to look at me and stood up.
"Is your shoulder ok?"
He started trying to look at it and grabbed my arm.
I pulled away from him and spoke, "Yeah yeah it's fine, don't worry about it."
He looked at me with concern but turned around and walked to the door.
"Come on Y/N, I got us a taxi."
I nodded and followed him out the door. We climbed into the taxi and a Five gave him the address. I looked out the window and started fidgeting.
What if it happens again
What if I can't get back
What if I lose myself
What if-
My thoughts were interrupted by Five grabbing my wrist. I looked over at him.
"It's ok, everything is ok." He spoke softly.
I smiled in return and he let go of my wrist.
We sat in silence for most of the ride before a Five handed me a flashlight. I looked at him, clearly confused, and he told me it was going to be dark. I shrugged and put it in my hoodie pocket. The taxi driver dropped us off in front of some department store and Five got out of the car. I hopped out and followed behind him. He looked at me and grabbed my hand before spatial jumping into the store.
" still makes me dizzy..." I spoke quietly.
I heard Five laugh and a shot him a glare to which he shrugged. He turned on his flashlight and I did the same. We started walking along the isles, shining our lights at random mannequin displays. I looked over at Five, who seemed really determined.
Of course he's determined.
He wants to find his girlfriend.
I wasn't paying attention to the real world and walked into a clothing rack.
"Ack!" I whisper yelled.
Five looked back at me and laughed.
I freed myself from the clothes and crossed my arms. I picked up a pebble I found and threw it at him.
"Don't laugh at me!" I whined and Five chuckled before continuing to look. I saw him point a flashlight at one mannequin and he stopped waking. He smiled and stared at her.
"Delores..." He spoke softly and started to walk over to her. I watched him walk and felt the pang in my chest again.
I refuse to be jealous of a mannequin.
But you are.
Shut up!
Why am I jealous anyways?
I pondered to myself and looked up at Five. He was talking to Delores.
"I've missed you...obviously" He spoke. I studied his behavior and tone from afar.
Shit he's in love with her.
A mannequin...
"Well's been a rough couple of days..." he spoke softly.
So I helped with nothing?
No dipshit you're the reason
No I'm not, he said he cared
Does he really?
Look at how he's looking at a mannequin. The way he looks at you is dirt compared to that.
That's not true...
The sooner you accept it, the less painful it'll be.
I swallowed and looked at Five. I walked over to him and he looked at me.
Shit you're right...
"Y/N, this is Delores!" He smiled.
I weakly smiled back, but failed.
I'm too sad for this.
"Y/N? Is everything ok?" I heard Five ask.
I nodded and looked back up at Delores. Five did the same.
"NO!" I heard him yell before the flash of gunshots lit up the room.
Five and I dropped down to the ground and he crawled behind a clothing rack. I watched Delores get shot in the torso and fall to the ground. Five reached out and pulled me to him. He looked around the rack.
"Oh shit it's them!" He whisper yelled.
The gunshots continued and Five rushed out and grabbed Delores.
"Five are you crazy?!" I yelled at him as he crawled behind with Delores. He held her and stared at the love of his life and spoke. "I'll be right back for you."
He laid her down and grabbed my hand before rubbing down the aisle.
"Five what the hell is going on?!" I yelled before being interrupted by gunshots. Five spatial jumper with me and we continued to run.
"No time to explain, just focus on surviving!" He shouted over the gunshots at me.
"Got it." I spoke back and let go of his hand before turning invisible. I saw Five run out and start to spatial jump. I saw his arm get hit with a bullet though. I stood up and looked at the people attaching Five.
Hazel and Cha Cha?!
I saw them move out in a patter to try and track down Five. I ran over to Hazel as he was looking at some wrist brace.
"Hazel?! What are you doing here?!"
He jumped and shot at where I had been. I had moved out of the way and Hazel stopped shooting.
"Y/N? Is that you?" He spoke.
"Yeah it's me dipshit, you nearly shot me!"
"Sorry, what are you doing here?!"
"I asked you first."
"I'm on a mission to eliminate Five."
"Hazel I can't let you do that."
"What? Why not? What difference does it make?"
I made myself visible and stepped in front of him, "He's everything to me."
"Oh you mean love him?"
"Hell no! He's just extremely important to me...please don't do this"
"Y/N you know we can't just make exceptions to missions."
"Don't make me hurt you Hazel..."
"Y/N even if you kill me Cha Cha will kill Five...there's no avoiding this."
"I'm sorry then."
I looked away and hit Hazel with a rock pillar before going invisible again. I started running in the direction of Cha Cha and ran into Five.
"Y/N is that you?! We gotta go!"  He managed to grab my invisible hand and started running. I noticed he had a bag on his back and assumed it was Delores. We started getting shot at by Hazel.
"Shit I didn't hit him hard enough" I spoke to myself.
Five started to spatial jump and struggled to get though. He did make it, but I stayed behind that time.
"Shit!" I called out and made a rock wall in front of me, protecting me from the bullets. I ran through some clothing racks and saw Five jump an item rack. I made a rock pillar come up from under Hazel and Cha Cha and they flew back. I jumped the rack and saw Five. I heard sirens in the parking lot and looked out to see police cars. I started to feel light headed.
"Y/N? Are you ok? You don't look so good." Five spoke.
I looked down at myself and saw I was flickering. But when I did appear, I was very pale.
"Shit..." I said weakly as the dizziness started to set in.
"What? What's wrong?!" Five asked.
I collapsed to the ground and he pulled me over to where he was hiding.
"I over-used my abilities...I'm gonna...I'm gonna..."
I trailed off.
I saw Fives concerned face before everything went black.

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