Don't make a threat you can't keep

Start from the beginning

Pure: Do it.

Doctor: Ok, do exactly what I say, Arachnid I need every single drop of universal blood we got, Mima, keep an eye on their vitals, Pure, I'm going to need your tails for cauterizing. Daiyu, Xiao, scrub in, you are my extra hands. Vincent, get me as much gauze, alcohol and tools to do this. Jack, Horatio, help me keep them pinned down.

Lamia: Can I help?

Everyone sees a lamia at the door.

Doctor: Does the coil thing still work on your side?

Lamia: Yeah.

Doctor: Then I need the help to hold them down.

Lamia: I'm not so sure about being near that much blood though.

Arachnid: Big dinner is on me if you can get through this.

Lamia: I'll try.

Pure: Ok everyone go, go, go!!!

Everyone went to their tasks and assisted where they were needed.

Xiao: We are scrubbed in, where do you need us?

Doctor: Keep a grip on this.

Lamia: How am I doing?

Doctor: You are doing great just keep him down.

Mima: Randal, keep pressure on, vitals are slipping.

Randal: I got it, I got it.

Vincent: Brought more tools.

Doctor: Give me a clamp.

Daiyu picks a clamp up and gives it to the doctor.

Doctor: What were they doing in here, Pure, tail.

Pure sends one of his tails and she was cauterizing an artery.

Arachnid: Got more blood!

Doctor: Keep them coming!

Carolina: I got one going critical here!

Doctor: You are clear to shock.

When Carolina got her gem and was training with it she realized the element she gained was electricity. Carolina rubbed her hands together and got an electric charge, once it was enough she put her hands on the victim, it gave off an electric shock enough to restart her heart.

Carolina: She's back!

Doctor: Coming over there now, Arachnid, sew em up, get me some fresh gloves!

Vincent: On it!

Doctor: How much do we got on the clock!?!?

Mima: Over fifty minutes!

Everyone worked together for the next two hours sorting out all of the victims. They were stabilized, had oxygen masks, IV and blood bags.

Mima: Everyone is in the green.

The doctor pulls off her set of gloves and was breathing a sigh of relief.

Doctor: Nice job everyone, that was way too close for comfort.

Mima: My drones will keep an eye on them and I will keep tracking their vitals.

Everyone walked to the cafeteria, where they sat down and caught their breath.

Lamia: Do you have to go through that every day?

Doctor: You haven't seen a hospital in code black yet, that is way worse.

Evolution from the Ashes of Extinction: Re-evolutionWhere stories live. Discover now