epilogue: the asterisk letter

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"We could go down in history, you know." Claire said, dropping her pile of letters onto the carpet in front of her. "One day, 279 years from now, someone will find these letters and there will be a holographic movie made on us."

"Holographic?" Adrian asked as he walked onto the carpet. He smiled evilly before dumping all of the letters he had over Claire. She gave him a deadpanned stare as he smiled proud.

Brushing the letters off of herself, she chose to ignore Adrian's childish behaviour and answer his question instead. "Yeah, duh. Do you really think that in the year 2291 people will still be watching movies on TV screens? Psh, your faith in the progress of technology is offensive."

Adrian sat down and began to sift through the letters to put them in order. "I'm pretty sure 2291 is not 279 years from now and your inability to react to- Hey, what's this?" Adrian picked up a letter addressed to him from Claire's pile. "Why do you have a letter addressed to me? I should have them all."

Claire broke her focus from looking through Adrian's letters to see what he was talking about. As she saw the asterisk on the letter, she wondered why the asterisk was there. A few seconds passed and her eyes instantly widened remembering what she wrote in that letter. "No!" She shot out of her sitting position and lunged for the letter in Adrian's hand, but Adrian was quick to move out of her reach. "No! Adrian, you're gonna make fun of me for the rest of our existence!"

"Really?" He asked, confused, but also amused at Claire's desperation. "Then obviously I have to see it."

"No! Adrian! Stop it!" She whined as he got up and held the letter out of her reach. She grabbed onto his arm to bring it down as he started blowing raspberries at her. "Gross, what are you, five?"

"Five inches taller than you, yes." He said and grinned.

Claire glared the hardest she could before sighing. "Listen, it's pointless for you to read it now anyway. I wrote that years ago when I started to have feelings for you."

Adrian raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Ooh, a love letter." He brought his arm down and used the other one to block Claire from taking the letter away, so he could read it. "Oh Anonymous, it is the most terrible sensation to feel every day. To be able to see you, but not kiss you. Oh, oh anonymous!"

By this point, Claire wasn't even fighting Adrian anymore. She had an amused look on her face as she stood watching her boyfriend dramatize words she didn't even write. "Those are not my words, Ade." She came and rested her arm on Adrian's shoulder as his gaze went back to the letter. "Just read the stupid thing and get it over with."

Adrian turned his head to look at his girlfriend with a cheeky smile. He bent down to give her a kiss on the cheek, "love you, baby."

"I love me, too."

He rolled his eyes before turning his attention back to the letter.

A nostalgic smile overcame Claire's face as her eyes flitted across the letter she had written three years ago to a boy she had only known for a few months back then. And now, here they were, the friendship blossomed into love.

As many arguments Adrian and Claire yelled through, Adrian still knew that living with her mom was a crucial step to take. Even though it was difficult for Claire to accept living with her mom again, the two finally managed to reconcile. After many, many long nights and days, Claire felt the sincerity in her mother's apology and decided to forgive her.

Then once Claire's life began to settle down, Adrian began falling back into the depression he once had. Having negativity cloud your mind once means that it can come back again and again. With the help of Claire though, and an occasional therapist, Adrian was able to pick himself up again. No longer did Claire need to ask him what he did to make himself happy because their happiness lied in one another.

The hardships they faced strengthened their bond. They helped each other believe in hope. They didn't save each other, they helped each other save themselves.

"I wanna read it to you." Claire said and rested her chin on Adrian's shoulder.

"Read away, darling."

She began to read the letter out loud.

  Dear Anonymous,
I've written this letter with an asterisk (I only know that's what it's called bc of you lol) because this one is probably never going to get to you...

-------------THE END-------------

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