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"Oh, we need to make a stop whenever we decide to go home." Claire said, thankful she had remembered.

"Sure, where?"

"Need to get a pack for my dad." She said, knowing he'd understand without her having to explain more.

Still aware that Claire didn't want to ruin their time with talking about topics that were saddening, he only nodded in response.

"Let's play a game." Claire suggested, wanting to lighten the mood. "We have to go back and forth saying words that start with the letter C."

"Why C?" He asked.

She gave him a 'duh' kind of look. "Because my name starts with C."

"Really? I thought it started with a K." Adrian said, feigning a surprised look.

Claire narrowed her eyes at him.

"Kidding." He said, and laughed as she rolled her eyes.

"I'll start." She said. "Claire."

He snorted at how she decided to start. "Corn."






"Courtney." He said, after a bit of hesitation since he couldn't think of anything else.

"Courtney?" She asked, a bit amused.

"Courtney." He affirmed.

She shrugged before continuing. "Cauliflower."












"C-c-c-co-concert!" She yelled out as she finally thought of a word.

He laughed at her effort. "Cold."



After a bit of pause, Claire said her word. "Confess."

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