Dear Anonymous

106 2 0

April 24th, 2016

Dear Anonymous,

Even though I know you, I felt it's just right to call you anon bc I have serious abandonment issues. *insert crying laughing emoji* <- I can't draw for my life so this is how I survive.

Anyways, so this is gonna be a long one? Actually, maybe it doesn't have to be. I mean..I can describe it in less words. Idk okay, I'm not good with expressing myself.

My mom left. And my dad went after every female in town.

Okay I guess I can explain a little better. he somehow charms himself into every woman's vagina (single or married) and then the women regret it afterwards.

Victim #1 was my mom. Victim # God knows what was my friends mom.

Naturally, it's my fault.

I guess that's pretty much all.


Ps. He's not really a very good dad. Then again, neither is my mom any good.

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