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Adrian looked through his books in his locker rather hopelessly. It's not that he was trying to find a book, no. It was lunch break and he was debating whether he should go see Claire or not.

She might not be at her locker. Or she might be with her friends- Oh, no wait. She had some argument with her friends the last time. Did they fix it?

Without really being aware of his actions, Adrian had shut his locker and had started making his way to Claire's.

He walked to the adjacent hallway and found her sitting against her locker alone and eating her lunch.

Upon reaching her peripheral vision, Claire looked up and gave a tentative smile to him, taking out her headphones.
"Hey," She started and continued without giving Adrian a chance to reply. "I was actually gonna come and try to find you, but I had no idea where your locker was or where to find you so I sort of...just...sat here." She rambled and gave a small smile, patting the spot next to her for him to sit.

"You were?" He asked and settled himself down beside her.

"Yeah, I didn't really have anyone to sit with, so I was like why not ask you, but I had no idea where you could be, so I decided to be a loner."

"And then I saved you." He stated with a small smirk.

She laughed and nodded along. "And then you saved me, my knight in shining converse."

"My converse aren't very shiny." Adrian noted in spite of her joke.

"Actually, they're pretty clean. If I lean a little closer, I might even be able to see myself in them."

"Really?" He asked her on her choice of explanation.

"Honestly, if I could stick a magnet on one of those and stick that in my locker instead of my mirror, I would." She continued, but one look at Adrian's cringing face made her laugh. "Too far?"

Adrian smiled and nodded. "Too far."

"Noted." She said and took a bite of her small grilled-cheese sandwich. "How come you're not sitting with your friends? Are you still cool with them all?"

"Yeah, much cooler than normal. But I just thought I'd find you since..." He trailed off, thinking about how he saw her argue with her friends.

Claire raised an eyebrow. "Since what?"

"How come you're not with your friends?" He asked and not a moment too soon, the doors to the stairs across the two opened.

Claire looked up at the girls walking in and showed a bitter smile to Adrian. "Speaking of friends..."

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