how it all started

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"Wow, it's almost 9." Claire noticed, putting her phone back in her pocket.

"Time flew."

"Time flies when you're having fun." Adrian commented, looking at Claire with a smile. Seeing the pure content on Claire's face made him smile. He thought about how their friendship had flourished and was so amazed at how that one letter he wrote turned into this.

Glancing at the girl walking beside him again, Adrian thought about how much he appreciated Claire. Then, thinking about all the time he'd spent with her, he realized how much he adored her. From her weird little quirks, like he just witnessed at the park, to her emotional strength. From her ability to lighten up any situation to her ability to understand how to help him when he needs it.
It was crazy to think that it could have been someone else or no one walking beside him at the moment, had he not sent that letter to her locker in the first place.

"You know," he began and she looked at him, waiting to see what he was going to say, "I debated on sending that first letter for a good month before I actually gained enough courage to do it."

"Really?" She asked, genuinely surprised.

"Yeah, I sat down so many times to write it. And when I finally wrote it, I didn't know which locker to drop it in."

"How did you choose?"

"I told myself to choose a number between 1 and 50, so I did. Then I stood at the corner of the English hallway, since it's my favourite subject, counted to 37, landed on a locker and slid the note in from the top."

"Wow," she said, as she thought how fate had managed to get Adrian to her, "imagine if you'd chosen 38 or 36, we wouldn't even be here." Claire said, not realizing how sad that thought made her.

"I'm glad I chose 37." Adrian said, looking down at the girl that changed his life for the better.

She smiled up at him before leaning in to give him a hug. "Me, too." She said, into his shoulder.

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