Dear Anonymous

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March 23rd, 2016

Dear Anonymous,

Wow, forgive me, but I don't know what to say. He's a disgusting human being. I can't even put it into words. There isn't anything u can do to catch him? I can help u maybe.

But okay, as ur friend, it's my obligation to make u feel better or just being here for you and I intend on doing exactly that.
It's not ur fault...any of this. Some people are really good at hiding things. Just like how you're hiding all of this from ur friends. Imagine if they find out what you've been doing to urself and realize that they didnt do anything to help u. You'd say that it wasn't their fault bc u didn't let them help u. That's exactly what Emily is saying up there. She still loves u and I don't need to know her to know that.

And how do u know that ur parents blame u? You said that u had a civil conversation with them. Maybe they're still giving u ur space. Maybe they're too scared to make the first step. Maybe they're waiting for u to do something first. And if u said no to any of those things, you'll never know until u try.

And if u feel down, it's okay to feel down. But it's not okay to keep it all to urself. I'm really glad u told me and it's not just bc I was really curious, but I feel as if u haven't told anyone this and it's a load off for u. Today, you didn't do nothing to make urself happy. You shared. And this made me happy too.

And if it makes u laugh, this took me 173 minutes to write.

Very Relieved Someone

Letters to Anonymous | ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora