Chapter 13 ~ Shoot

Start from the beginning

"So you like hugging me?"
Oh hell I forgot that I was still hugging him. I pushed myself from him. The moonlight shone trough the window. His eyes were glittering devilishly.

"Admit it already you like me," he said with confidence. I was speechless. Why is he al of a sudden talking like this?
"No, I don't like you. The reason why I hugged you, is because I have a phobia of the darkness. I feel like chocking and fainting when it's too dark.
"Is that so." He didn't feel sorry at all which could be seen in his eyes.

"You're the dumbest girl I have ever met. You're telling me about your weakness without even realizing that I can use it against you. Since I know it now I'll use it for sure. Don't think about doing something which might cause trouble since I'll put you somewhere where you'll not even be able to see a little bit of light. And don't think that I'll feel sorry for you or that I'll have mercy on you. Girls like you enter and exit my life within seconds. You're nothing special Jasmine, just a toy I like to keep with me for a while." His face was expressionless nor did his eyes give me hope.

"You're so..."
He raised his eyebrows.
"What am I?"
"Cruel, yes you're a cruel person. You'll never ever find love in your life."
"I don't even want love babe, I already have what I want. Love is for people like you, dumb people, useless people who aren't worth it to live." He stepped closer and closer.
I took steps back until I touched the wall. What does he want. He is angry but so am I.
He took his gun out and touched my face with it.

"S..stop it." His devilish grin appeared on his face.
"Ssstt I still have a bullet left and I won't hesitate to use it," he whispered in my ear. "You're the cruelest person I have ever seen.
If killing the innocent is what you enjoy then go for it and shoot me! I don't want to be in your damn prison anymore, shoot me!"
He wasn't impressed about what I just said.

"As you wish." He took a step back and pointed his gun on my head. He smirked while he pulled the trigger.
"Acting bold right. Let's see if you can smile after this."
Is he really going to shoot me?
Shit what did I do, he is bloody serious right now. I'm so done, it's over.
"You truly like it to test my patience. I warned you Jasmine but you keep yelling and disrespecting me." My throat became dry. I felt like losing my consciousness at any moment.

He fired, did the bullet hit me?
The answer did not take long. An unbearable burst of pain shot through my arm. My eyes widened, he really did shoot me. I looked at my arm and blood came out of it very quickly. My eyes became teary. Aah this hurts so bad, It's burning like hell! I felt weak and was about to fall to the ground but Zayn grabbed me.
His eyes were piercing mine.

"W..why a..are you like t..this?"
Nothing, he said nothing.
"Zayn what did you do?!"
I heard someone yelling and I recognized his voice. It was James.
"We have to rush her to the hospital, she is losing too much blood!"
"No, she'll go to our private clinic."
Zayn lifted me up bridal style while pressing on the wound to stop the bleeding. Tears were streaming down on my cheeks as I looked at his face.
"Why Zayn?" was the last thing I could say before passing out.

Time skip~~~~~~

When I woke up a doctor came to me immediatly.
"How do you feel miss?"
"Fine, but my arm is hurting."
"That is normal, it'll keep hurting for a while but it'll decrease with time. I prescribed some medicines which you have to take each day."

The door opened and James entered the room.
"Can I take her home?"
"Yes you can, but make sure she takes her medicines each day." James nodded.
The doctor left the room leaving James and me alone. He sighed before taking place on a chair next to me.

"How are you feeling?"
He nodded, "I see."
"Jasmine listen." I looked at him.
"Don't be loud or disobedient with Zayn.
He is capable of everything and believe me, he doesn't care about whom he is hurting.
He only shot you in your arm this time but next time it'll be worser. Stay nice to him and obey him, or he'll hurt you more."
"James, I don't care. Let him hurt me if that is what he enjoys then let him. He already took my freedom besides I have nothing to lose."

"Jasmine, I know all of this is really hard for you, but please don't give up."
"What do you mean don't give up?!"
The anger boiled up inside of me.
"You guys took everything from me so why should't I give up huh?!"
"Because Zayn needs you!"
"What the hell are you talking about?! He sighed deep before answering me.
"We will lose Zayn if you die."
"But he wants to kill me James!"
"Yes, because YOU are challenge him.
Jasmine listen, stay for now as obedient as possible. You'll get to know the details by time. For now, it's enough to know that if you want Zayn to stay alive then don't leave his side. Stay with him no matter what."

First his grandmother and now James. Nothing makes sense.

Time skip~~~~~

It was around 11:15 p.m when the maid brought me into Zayn's room. How am I going to survive here? She let me lay on Zayn's bed, and she left. I closed my eyes but after a few minutes Zayn entered the room. I wanted to shout at him and call him bad names but I stayed quiet.

Instead, I said: "Oh sorry I'll lay on the ground."
I was about to step out from his bed when he said: "No stay." I starred at him.
"But where will you sleep?"
"Next to you." My heart skipped a beat. I don't want this but I have no choice for now, so I nodded. He went into the bathroom and came back with a shirtless upper body. His hair was wet from the shower he just took. I almost chocked in my own saliva. Why is he so handsome and cruel at the same time. Why do I feel so attracted to him. Geez I'm going crazy. He almost killed me and I'm here starring at him.

He cleared his throat.
"Are you done eye raping me?"
"Huh no no I wasn't." I blushed like a stupid teenager who just had her first kiss. I heard him chuckling. He dimmed the lights, and laid besides me turning his body towards me.

"Does it still hurt?"
No shit, of course it doesn't hurt, being shot doesn't hurt at all. Jasmine control yourself. "Yeah a bit."
"Did you take your medicines?"
"The pain will disappear in two weeks. I've been used to it." I turned my head towards him.

"Have you been shot too?"
A little smile appeared on his lips.
"Of course. Not once like you, but way more times." I opened my mouth in disbelief. He chuckled. This was the first time that I saw some kind of sincerity in his eyes. His gaze didn't leave mine. His hand slowly touched my face putting my hair behind my ear. I was flustered. Why is he like this?

He kept touching my face with his hand.
"This is the last time you have been shot. From now on I'll let no one shoot you and that's a promise." He came closer and closer and he pecked my lips.
"Wha..?" I was devastated. He smirked.

"Get used to it. It'll happen often from now on."

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