Silent Treatment (mostly fluff)

Start from the beginning

She placed a tray of food on my lap, giving me a quick kiss before leaving. I smiled as I watched her retreat from my bedroom.

I looked at the tray in front of me, there was eggs, bacon, fruit, orange juice and a cup of coffee. I smiled widely, I love her so much.

I then saw a note attached to the mug. Pulling it off I saw my name written in elegant, cursive handwriting.

I hope you slept well, being in a warm bed may be better than rubble. Sorry, I probably shouldn't mention it. I really have missed you but it is sort of fun seeing how annoyed you get by me not speaking, plus I want to see how long I can withhold having actual intelligent conversations. The others aren't as smart as you. I made the coffee specially for you, to see if you can finally have a decent cup of coffee in peace. Mom helped me make breakfast, I really hope you like it.
Love you, (y/n) xxx.'

That was the most I've heard of my girlfriend since I've gotten back. It is kind of fun to see her struggle not to talk to me, I guess I can keep it up for a while.

I pick up the mug and take a long sip, savouring it before swallowing.

Woah. I wasn't expecting that. Add a bit of bourbon and I'd be ecstatic. This was amazing. I've found myself a new barista apparently.

I finished breakfast, got dressed and went to find my love.

Finding her talking to Vanya, I crept behind her, motioning Vanya to keep quiet. I wrapped my arms around her, burying my face in her neck.

She jumped but made no noise, dammit. I kissed her cheek and turned her around. She pecked my lips again and ducked under my arms and ran to hide behind Luther, climbing onto his back.

Cheeky little shit. I couldn't help but smile though.

Timeskip, two days later~

(y/n) pov

Five was going crazy, he was napping in his room after a gunshot wound. I was so worried, I'd held up the silence for the last couple days but I couldn't do it anymore, I missed my boyfriend.

I went up to Five's room and whispered, "Five, baby it's time to get up." I didn't think he would respond the way he did.

"Go away (y/n), I'm with (y/n)," confused as to why he said he was with me, I gently kissed his cheek.

"Honey, seriously, wake up," I kissed his head and then his jaw, moving down to his neck. He shifted and sat up. "Morning," I whispered.

"Morning," He said in the middle of a yawn. Suddenly, his eyes shot open and he looked excited and hopeful.

"Did you just speak to me!?" He shouted, right in my face too. "You spoke to me!"

I had never seen him so excited about anything. I smiled and nodded slowly, "I did speak to you, I though you've been through enough crap without me being a bitch."

He sighed in relief and dragged me closer to him, lying back down before cuddling me closer. "I've haven't been this happy in so long," He said, turning his head to look at me, "Never ignore me again, please?"

Giggling, I kissed his lips, I felt Five smile and kiss back. After a while we both pulled away. "Never again, I promise."

He sighed in relief once again. "I love you so, so much (y/n). More than anything in the world, more than the world itself." I smiled listening to him.

"I love you too Five, I promise never to ignore you again, okay?" I giggled, he smiled and looked back at me, snuggling his head into the crook of my neck, his favourite spot.

"That sounds great, could you also promise to keep making me coffee, I had a cup from Klaus and I had never missed you more," He muttered, causing me to laugh loudly.

I felt him smile. "I will continue to make you coffee for as long as we both shall live," I stated, with utmost confidence.

"Woah, that means we are basically married," He exclaimed, chuckling. This made me reach up and give him a peck on the lips. Smiling I responded, "I better get a ring with a coffee bean on it!"

He smiled gently, gave me a kiss and then decided to go back to sleep, with me in his arms, forcing me to stay with him.

Not that I was complaining.


I hope you guys enjoyed this installment of you and Five, once again requests are open but I will not be putting names into the story as not to alienate anybody. I will however dedicate the chapter the the requester. Love you guys xxxx

Final word count: 2792

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