remake, son of witchcraft

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This is a remake of my challenge, but I will change things around for more idea

This one will add a beginning to the story,

It will go to when naruto sleep his first night at camp half blood,

Naruto is the son of hacate, goddess of magic and witchcraft

when she come back to the elemental nations she finds her son being beaten to death

Now the story goes


It was a cold summer night in Konoha quite unusual given the area they were in; the land of fire was not known to have very cold weather at all. It was even coincidental given that the day was a commemoration of the defeat of the Kyuubi, he day the fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze gave his life to defeat the fox. Though that is a lie what very few people know was that he had given his life to seal the fox within a young boy born that day, even fewer knew that the boy was his son Uzumaki Naruto this is his story.

Since his birth he was hated by the populace of Konoha since his birth coincided with the "death" of the Kyuubi they thought the boy to be his reincarnation. They hated the boy for things beyond his control stores threw him out as soon as he entered the few that served him gave him the expired or rotten food that they held on just to sell to him at triple their usual rates. And as soon as he turned four the orphanage threw him out into the streets saying that he didn't deserve to be have parents at all. Worst of all they formed mobs at least once a week to organize a foxhunt wherein they chase Naruto all over Konoha and beat him an inch to death if they caught him.

Hospitals were no better as they refused to heal Naruto often giving the bare needed care doing surgery if he needed without anesthetic or closing up his wounds without applying disinfectant. It was hell for Naruto where was all the people supposed to watch him you ask. The ANBU who were assigned to watch him often let the mobs form and often did nothing to help Naruto at all and just stayed on the sidelines and watched with a morbid fascination.

The only few who did watch him were two purple haired ANBU codenamed Neko and Hebi whose real names were Uzuki Yuugao and Mitarashi Anko respectively. They were two of the few Konoha citizens who held no ill will toward Naruto at all instead they pitied him. They helped him out by restocking his refrigerator and pulling him out of the way of mobs. Though this was not very often as the civilian council knew of this and often sent them on long term missions out of Konoha leaving NAruto to fend for himself.

Those who knew Naruto was the son of the fourth did nothing as well the third Hokage secretly blamed Naruto for the death of his wife who was Kushina's midwife during his birth and was killed during the release of the Kyuubi. The only surviving student of the fourth Hatake Kakashi blamed Naruto for the death of the fourth and was the one who secretly organized the mobs who hunted Naruto.

This was the life of Naruto for the whole six years of his life but I digress this cold day on October ten was the remembrance of the Kyuubi's defeat and Naruto's birth. You could hear the people celebrating merrily if you were a passerby you would think this to be a happy place to settle tricked by the façade of Konoha's mirth. His night was not so special to two people one was Naruto another was a woman who is a goddess who had lost her husband this day.

She had decided to visit Konoha this day to pay her respects to her husband and see how her son was doing.

'Damnable ancient laws if only they never existed I could have raised you like I wanted sochi' the woman thought to herself as she kept herself disguised with the mist. A force she created to help those connected to supernatural realm.

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