marco not human

25 1 1

Star vs the forces of evil challenge

Must be dominate Marco x submissive Tom

Starts during blood moon ball

Marco dances with Tom completely,

Starts acting strange after

Marco must not be human

Ideas for what Marco is

Chaneque = mastery of magic (all forms like divination, shape shifting, necromancy ect)

Dragon = time space manipulation

Or can be a Aztec, like stars race, but each is blessed with powers, Marco being the Prince of Aztecs having most powers

Chanekeh, Chaneque or Ohuican Chaneque, as they were called by the Aztecs, are legendary creatures in Mexican folklore. They are conceived of as small, sprite-like beings, elemental forces and (believed to be) gods of nature.

Please someone do this one, not a lot of dominate Marco x submissive Tom stories


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