necessary evil

50 1 2


after the revilation of being the vessel of the fox, narutos finds himself in a black room, there he meets kami yami and shinigami, and they tell him of a dark power coming and that they must give him an evil powers to save the one he loves.

naruto is given the powers of the forbidden, to call hells demons, heavens angels, and the living dead. he is given the power of those who where evil from other worlds, and to use for good.

pairing is eaither naruto x asta (black clover his is the demon familar) x jaden (servent of kami. from yugioh gx) x ichigo (servant of shinigami from bleach)

seme naruto x uke harem

powers come from all over from witches of soul eater to people of the church of necessary evils from cirtain magical index.

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