naruto, three paths

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naruto challenge with others in it

what if naruto found something in the forbidden scroll

in the scroll naruto finds his family scrolls

the 3 paths of divinity

in the scroll he learns of his three bloodlines that he has, but also 3 summons that go with the bloodlines

the 3 paths are the 3 paths of god, or the paths of the 3 worlds

mind, body, spirit


mortal realm, hell, heaven

the paths powers

spirit / heaven

this path allows the user to see the spirit world, and manipulate pure spirit energy in the form of rhuk (magi series magic)

summon choices- owls, doves, tigers

mind / hell

this paths allows the user to create a pocket realm, read and enter minds, and to cast illusions that are too real

summon choices- oni, hellhounds, ookami, snakes,

body / mortal

this path give the user super strength, and create weapons

summon choices- panthers, lions, griffins, dragons

challenge pairing is up to you/ bashing of sasuke, ino, sakura, kaka

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