naruto, the three Teigu

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Naruto, akame ga kill crossover

Naruto became friends with Tatsumi, they both heading to the capital for a better life, but the story starts

Naruto was blessed with 3 teigu

Chronos/ a teigu that appears as a ring with clock markings on it/ powers, can age of de-age objects at his command, (think arc of time from fairy tail)

Dark emperor ring/ a silver ring with a dark Crystal and a red gem inside the crystal/ powers are control of darkness, mainly making animals out of it

Garian sword/ look up in naruto,/ powers same as naruto

Tatsumi has a ring that lets him control lightning and makes a sword out of lightning, it was inside the totem

Naruto saves Tatsumi friends with Chronos, but is put to sleep for 3 days

They join the night raid

Boy gains a pipe that blows out most that creates illusions

Girl gets the five sight

Naruto x male harem

Harem are all guys in night raid and also save

Seme naruto

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