user of the forbidden tombs

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High school dxd challenge with Jackie Chan Adventures

Challenge inspired by story on

Soundless Knight

Summary for challenge

Instead of the legendary Boosted Gear, Issie has the tombs of the 9 demons

Instead of an breast loving pervert he is a bisexual heart throb, but also a truly kind fellow

Instead as 8 pawns, rias used her other mutated bishop and four mutated pawns to revive him

For this time, he will find love of both, and maybe a new family

The 9 tombs are in truth a part of him, they can not be destroyed and only obey one person, their chosen user

The tombs are based off of the 8 Demon Sorcerers, and the king of oni

For each one he has a different power

Shendu - fire - through this tomb he can control fire and the 12 talismans

Po Kong - mountain - allows him super strength, but also allows him to summon and control crystals

Xiao Fung - wind - allows him to control wind

Tchang Zu - thunder - summons lighting and storms

Tso Lan - moon- gravity, nightly divination

Dai Gui - earth- control over element of earth and plants

His Wu - sky - control over sounds, illusions, and healing

Bai Tza - water- control of water and ice

Tarakudo - summon and control shadow kahn , shadow and darkness manipulation

The tombs looks are up to you

Issie is crippled do to an accident when he was younger, being struck by lighting that shocked his nerves system, making it difficult for him to walk.

Issie is also called a injured prince, matching Kiba

Male harem members that are added to his original harem are

Older gasper
Older Millicas Gremory

Issie must gain a total of 9 familiars, one for each tomb he has

He can gain 9 weapons from each tomb, but he must learn his magic before he gains the weapon

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