witch izuku

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AU where the Midoriyas are witches and instead relying on the quirk he wasn’t born with, Izuku focuses on being the best Witch Hero there ever was (even if he’s the first and maybe only one)


a wand made from the tree that Katsuki fell off of while crossing a river (it took Izuku months to make just the right one, along with hair from his mother and ash from a site All Might was at)

a scrying glass made from the bottom of an old soda bottle he had to carefully polish and make after weeks of work because they couldn’t afford a real scrying glass but damn it all if that was going to stop Izuk

SPIRITS Izuku talks with them more than anyone else through his scrying glasses (he made a pair of scrying glass from more soda bottles and he looks ridiculous while wearing them)

Izuku has learned that spells are more instinct than actual words so as long as he can feel his spell coming together, he can make magic work (it amazed his mother with how gifted he was for spellcraft but he makes her cringe because he doesn’t use latin, only rhymes and puns) 

The day Izuku got his Witch Hat (a symbol of graduation from trainee to real witch) was the day he realized he really could become a hero and both he and his mom cried for days

Bakugou doesn’t know exactly that Izuku is a witch, just that some weird things happen around that quirkless loser

Izuku’s familiar is an incredibly ugly cat that followed him home one day he named Claw Might (because he’s nice towards Izuku and mean towards pretty much everyone else although he tolerates Inko) that can turn into a black panther

Izuku has a witch wardrobe specifically for battle and he does have a half second long transformation sequence

Theoretically Izuku can summon demons but he’s vowed not to because they need a blood sacrifice at the minimum and blood magic is DANGEROUS

His broom riding skills are awful because he simply just hasn’t had enough practice but he’s still trying his best

All Might seriously considers giving Deku One for All but decides against it when he realizes he doesn’t want to take away Izuku’s identity as a witch (but he trains him in the proper ways of heroics regardless because there is boundless potential in that boy)

Iida first called Midoriya “mr. Witch” because he thought that was his appropriate title (and its kinda stuck)

Uraraka thinks Deku is like Kiki’s Delivery Service (he’s not)

Bakugou is pissy that he missed out on freaking magic and now he’s determined to be better than magic (lmao good luck)

Todoroki has seen Midoriya work Fire and Ice Magic and now wants him to tutor him in how to work his Ice better (Midoriya is slowly trying to convince him to work his Fire Side as well to mixed results)

Tokoyami thinks he’s literally way cooler than he really is

Aizawa may or may not have let Midoriya get away with a tardy or two because the eye-drop potions he makes are better than literally anything else he’s ever tried

yaoi or striaght

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