naruto winchester

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Naruto, supernatural crossover

Naruto after his birth and the sealing is transported to the supernatural world. He is found a year before sam's birth and adopted by John and marry.

Naruto raised with Sam and dean, as hunters, but when he learns of the tailed beast sealed in him, and that he has the ability to use magic he hides it till he and Sam leaves for college.

While is college, naruto and Sam develop feelings for one another, and Sam having magic as Well

Then story starts from there

Naruto powers are

Spell casting
Element manipulation
Shape shifting
Summons 9 foxes that are similar to hell hounds
Talk to the dead
Astral projection
Illusion creation/manipulation
Create and manipulate chains made of energy (Uzumaki sealing chains)

Sam's powers

Visions of the future
Demon control
Summons 4 hell hounds that Naruto got him (Naruto beating crowly at a game of cards)
Mind control
Create and manipulate wire/thread made of energy (chakra sting, but can do harm like ninja wire)

Naruto just be dominate top or seme in relationship

Sam doesn't gain the demon blood addiction, when with famine thinks of sex with Naruto

Male pregnancy

Naruto a bit taller than Sam

Naruto uses a hand gun and knives to fight

Naruto can use seals from narutovers

Naruto finds 2 spell book on a college trip to the sight of king authors castle, that once belonged to Morgan la fay and Merlin

The Fox is a nature spirit not a demon

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