naruto celestial dragon slayer

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Naruto fairy tail

Facing years of neglect from his parents for his demon vessel sibling naruto run away. While tuning he an anima appears and take him unknowingly into the den of the true king of dragons, the celestial dragon cosmos. And is train to become the celestial dragon of fairy tail




The Celestial Dragon of Fairy Tail


16 years old



Body Build

swimmer with a average amount of muscle


spikey Gold hair with White highlights on the top of the spikes


Ocean blue slitted eyes


chocolate, fairy tail guild, friends, the stars, the moon, watching clocks and helping others


rapists, bandits, dark mages, uzukaze family and moonless nights



Natural Abilities

Hand To Hand Combat / knows several fighting styles that mainly revolve around breaking bones and damaging muscles

Sword Play / Knows several sword styles that are mainly used with a katana

Weapon Play / is adept at many weapons

Strength / can lift up to three times his own body weight


Fire sword, Air Sword, Earth Sword, Water Sword and Lightning sword / these swords give the user the ability to control there elements in small amounts

Lightning Whip / this whip when activated can zap people with electricity

Magic bow / allows the user to summon solid arrows made of magic

Crystal ball/ use as a medium for magic


Equip Magic / the user is able to put things into a dimensional space that is the size of a large house

Telekinesis / the user is able to lift things with there mind and hand movements

Celestial golden key magic / the user uses the twelve golden zodiac keys to summon up to twelve spirits

gravity magic/ this allows the user to monipulate gravity,make thing float,  or make planets (think planetary devistation of the deva path of rennegan)

Arc of time magic/ allows to manipulate time of being or objects with no will of its own

Arc of divination / allows him to see sometime into the future, can be random or if focus on a medium can concentrate on it. Second power is ability to look into the past and scry or look into medium to see certain things like location of person

Star Dress / the user places a golden key on there chest and go through a wardrobe change. along with the wardrobe change comes the spririts powers and magical power

Celestial Dragon Slayer Magic- The user is able to use the power of the celestial bodies to power his magic. the user eats star light, moon light, sun light and the celestial spirit energy, to replenish his magic

Diamond Gate keys / the keys that only a celestial dragon slayer can use. they represent the animals of Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig and Cat

Celestial Dragons Roar/ The user roars out a concentrated beam of star light

Celestial Dragons Asteroid Body / the user spreads celestial magic around his body and gives it a strength that can cause a crater with a single finger flick

Celestial Dragons Meteor Body / the user spreads celestial magic through there body that gives him speed that allows him to go five hundred miles and hour

Celestial Dragons Comet Body / the user spreads celestial magic through there body to increase there strength, speed and senses

Celestial Dragons Star Punch / the user creates a solid layer of Star Light around there Fists

Celestial Dragons Moon Kick / The user Creates a Solid Layer of Moon Light around his legs

Celestial Dragons Heaven Gate / the user opens a gate to any location as long as the user has the right coordinates

Celestial Dragons Healing Moon / the user uses moon light to heal themselves and others

Celestial Dragons Solar Pulse / the user lets out pulse of solar energy, this pulse takes shape as a shield and will negate any magic that touches it

With the might of the sun in my right hand, and the guidance of the moon in my left hand, put them together and you get. Celestial Dragons Eclipse Blast / the user sends out a combination blast of moon light and solar light

Celestial Dragons Secret Art - Diamond Gate Blast / the user uses the energy from the Thirteen Diamond keys to Create Thirteen Blast of power that will attack the enemy

Celestial Dragons Secret Art - Celestial Dragon Transformation/ the user uses the willingly given energy from the thirteen diamond spirits to transform himself into a Celestial Dragon. this transformation will only last as long as all the thirteen spirits channel there energy through there keys

With the Magic of the (Animal) and the Body of the Human, a new being will appear, diamond spirits hear my plea and hear me call, Celestial Dragons Secret Art - Human Spirit Fusion / the user fuses together with one of his thirteen Diamond spirits

Celestial Dragons Secret Art - Heavenly summoning / the user uses telekinesis to put the diamond keys in circular position in the air, when in the air the keys summon a comet through a portal

Celestial Dragons Secret Art - Reversal of the planets / the user uses a combination of sun light, moon light, star light and celestial energy to reverse the effects of any spell

(Side note can ad darkness magic as Well but this is for authors of you want it or not)

Love interest

Natsu, grey, lucy, erza

Can be harem

Bashing of uzukaze Minato kushina and his siblings

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