naruto of the infinity grimore

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Naruto black clover crossover

Banished after the retrieval mission naruto runs to hide from the root anbu

He was forced to uzukaharu where he finds a ancient grimore with an infinity sign on the cover. The grimore chooses and naruto learns this from the fox who in truth is an arcane spirit, a spirit of all magic. Now with Naruto going to the clover kingdom each as he finds love and fights for his new land even if the akatsuki come, after all he plans to become the grand magic lord, the one place above the wizard king.

Naruto x male fox, asta, Leopold, luck

Seme or top naruto

Uke or bottom harem

Naruto power is arcane magic, the ability to use all magic types, can use some fairy tail magic as Well.

Arcane magic the power to use pure mana to form and create anything you desire, uses magic circles to perform spells and master control, can use any and all magic types, eve anti magic ( but not as strong as asta). And if master arcane magic will become something akin to a God to mages, but in truth after passing user will return to the mana streem but also become a spirit guardian of the earth. This can also grant people with no magic a form of it (curses from fairy tail) or a useful skill (ninja arts) but that person will be come their familiar and share the same fate as them.

Bashing of konoha kakashi sakura Sasuke Ino Hinata Asuma karunie (team 8 teacher) danzo elders both councils

Good rest of rookie nine and team guy slug princess pervert Iruka Konohameru and his friends.

Just help with 4 shinobi war

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