paper angel

15 1 0

naruto challenge

what if, jiraiya brought the rain team he made to the leaf village, and they along with minato became team seven

what if minato and konan hit it off

what if naruto was konan's son, and gained her paper bloodline

the story has naruto using sealing, and evolved form of konan's bloodline

naruto paper bloodline became something similar to paper blizzard magic from fairy tail

Jutsu he learns

origami beast, similar to super beast scroll, naruto summons paper and uses it to create animals, he can see and hear what the animals do, he can make them hard as steel to cut or kill, and he can control the size of them

Paper dance, paper that are in different color representing the spirit that Naruto has in him

Green- poison (paper becomes or generated poison green gas)
Red- fire (paper generate fire and Naruto controls the paper and forms the fire)
White- ice (creates freezing wind)
Blue- wind (papers generate large amount of wind, and Naruto controls the wind though the paper)
Purple- binding (sticks on enemies among them weak and unable to move)
Grey-  shield (papers make a shield around the user that's as hard as steal)
Indigo - illusion (releases indigo mist that generates illusions naruto controls)
other colors can be added

pairing us up to you

summons for naruto must be a eagle, and serpent

his parents still die

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