naruto son of oaths

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Naruto Percy Jackson crossover

Kushina is not mortal but in truth lady styx goddess of promises and oaths, but what no one knows is she is the goddess of the rivers of the underworld that is the punishment for breaking an oath formed by the river styx. To go through all rivers.

When returns after the fight of Naruto and Sasuke to see her son in the hospital. She then divides its time for her son to go into the world of Greece and find his story.

Naruto just have the ability to summon the waters of each river and also reverse the effects

He must awaken the bloodline of eight paths

He must awaken the bloodline of eight paths

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Just be Naruto x Percy x nicoles

Seme or dominate naruto

This one I want someone to do and it you start it I will do one challenge for the person that is Naruto based and in the Naruto world following naruto with any crossover

Please comment and then message me when doing the challenge

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