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bot a challenge but a theorie.

this is a black clover theorie that i came up with from all the thing i heard about other theories on black clover.

well this one is how asta might be the son of the elf and human

well no one knows of the powers if a crossbreed between the 2 races so it might be possible of them not able to use magic, or if they do it is to strong and must be sealed before it can distroy them.

this i came up with while looking at the similarity of asta and light, with their hair, i know that they are elves are not the only people with white hair, but with the one i seen their are not many people  with white hair, another oje is that how the 5 leaf grimoire choose asta to use it when it was once a 4 leaf and belonged to an elf.

an expansion pf this theorie is tje asta is the unborn child of light and a human, but after the attack the worman gain a form of elengates life and lived for years with asta giving off huge amount of magic giving her longer life. wheb asta was born his mother lost the sorce of energy that kapt her alive, so with her last ounces of power, she sealed astas magic for people wont try and take his powers. so asta would be half elf and half human with sealed magic that not even his anti magic can break.

and another theorie is that yuno is a noble but was kidnapped of a nother kingdom. with his pendent tjat aleays has and of his large magical ability

please comment if you agree and please do a challenge

ps picture is mine made with other pictures from anime

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