naruto the last Etherious

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Naruto Ben ten crossover

Naruto was neglected by his family and village,

Then one day he broke

When he broke, he awakened his heritage,

He is the last Etherious.

A race similar to anodite, but powers seem darker

(He basically have the power of raven (teen titans))

He was saved by an anodite, then raised with them, he went to earth to join the plumbers and now is Ben's and rook's new partner, replacing gwen

Naruto x rook x Ben

He must have a bag like charmcaster

Just go back to th village at some point

He has his own set of charms.

Totems of Zambesi, from dc legends of tomorrow

Zambesi is a powerful sorcerer, same as Bezel, his charms grant control over
water (ice and steam added),
earth (crystal, and sand added),
fire (lava added),
And healing (no death powers)


Charms of zeref , basically give him powers of the demon gates and the king from fairy tail

Same as Bezel, but his charms give him powers to
control natural disasters (calamity curse),
control thorn plants and roses (thorn curse),
mind control (macro),
summon an army of creatures (Nemesis)
control snakes (madusa magic from soul eater)
And finally,
Control time to a degree (arc of time magic)

Please someone do this one

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