naruto of the peakuler

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This is Naruto x miss paragrin's home for peakuler children movie

This one at the end of the movie Jacob Portman stays with them and after centuries a new kid comes in. This kid has strange powers but godlike as well. As he stays their they discover that they are in a new time thousands of years and now I'm the time of shinobi, and Naruto is the reincarnation of a god. Now naruto finds a way to let them out of the loop with out making them did by giving them some of his chakra to them. Now they must come together and help in the ninja world as team peakuler.

Naruto is the ten tailed wolf (or God tree) God of time space will chakra elements and beast(he also made jutsu out of fairy tail magic)

Naruto x Enoch x millard

Seme naruto x uke Enoch and millard

Powers given to the peakuler

Miss paragrin time space release from idea book

Jacob hollow summon and weapon creation

Enoch dead summon shades (from fairy tail) zombies and skeletons. Learns puppetry

Emma grand fire release (control fire with just a thought and change its color or effect like light blue is frozen fire)

Twins snake eyes and telepathy

Hugh living hive but hive can be infused with elements to make them stronger

Horace karuma clan genjutsu bloodline and see future in dreams

Bronwyn super strength and healing ability

Claire hair release (think hair magic from fairy tail) and the mouth on her head can become ghost like snake and absorb chakra (think red head sound four with her flute and her giants)

Olive gravity release

Fiona wood release

Millard invisibility and sensory (Can become visible make up now he looks)

Shippuden age but not shippuden time

Bashing of sakura Sasuke civilian council elders and kakashi

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