neglected dxd

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Naruto neglected by his family, and beaten by the villagers.

at a young age they found out that he couldn't use chakra, and so they ignored him. seeing him as a defect while his sibling were demons vessels of the 9 tailed fox, while he had the soul sealed inside him. the villagers naturally think that since he has no chakra then that means he is the fox and make his life a living hell.

then one night after getting yelled at by his '''parent"', he run from a mob into the forest of death.

Then 2 primordial entities find him in his state which is half dead, and so they heal him and look through his mind to see what happened to him. What they find makes them so sad and that they almost summoned demons to destroy the village.

They take naruto in and raises him, they make him their child, and give him their powers

Naruto is banish when he is a gennin after the SasUKE is brought back,

Naruto mothers transport him to see world were he becomes rias only bishop with 2 mutated peacis

Bashing of Konoha

Gasper is one mutated pawn and asai is 1 regular pawn, issie being 6 pawns

His parent figures are eve, mother of monsters,
Amara the darkness

Both from show SUPERNATURAL

Powers he gets from his mothers, and if they are sealed or not

Monster creation (can partially unsealed, but can only create creatures like grimms(rwby) or phantom monsters, that do not have a real body,but can still pack a punch)
Shape shifting (unsealed)
The ability to nullify powers of other creatures (partially unsealed, but can only use it when have his creature eye)
To control all creatures of the supernatural world, besides gods (sealed)
All powers of all supernatural races, besides gods (sealed)
Create hybrids through touch (sealed)

Darkness manipulation (unsealed, think ravens powers from teen titans)
Time space manipulation (partially unsealed, can make portals, and also manipulate time, think arc of time magic from fairy tail)
Resurrection (sealed)
Life death manipulation (sealed)
Void manipulation (power of destruction but in black) (unsealed)
Gravity manipulation (unsealed)
Reality manipulation (sealed)

Pairing is yaoi

Naruto x Kiba yuuto/ Fox / multiple oc


Nabaka, Bikou younger brother
Fighter, soft spot for friends, will kill
Powers are extending staff, cloud to ride on, senjutsu, youjutsu
Ate one year younger than Naruto

Justin phoenix
Youngest male of the Phoenix clan main family
Abilities, fire and wind manipulation, hoped regeneration, healing powers
Soft spoken, child like at times, friendly, kind hearted
Age 2 years younger than naruto

Of fallen up 2 you
But must be same age as naruto

Heads up, naruto is third year at school


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