Eric: Rachel? Is that you?
Rachel: What the hell are you doing here Eric?

Danny POV
So this is her ex. This is not gonna be good. Plus, he looks like he is gonna cause trouble.

Eric: I came to see you and this girl wouldn't let me in.
Rachel: First of all, this girl is my best friend and she did the right thing. I don't want to see your low down broke ass.
Eric: Aw come on baby don't be like that.

He walks up closer to her. I was ready to hurt him. But Rachel shook her head at me for me not too.

Eric: What were you gonna do pretty boy?
Danny: Excuse me?

Rachel pushes me back as I was walking up to him. Yeah. He's trouble.

Rachel: Don't call me baby, don't you dare talk to him, and don't come near me. Why the hell are you here?
Eric: I came to win you back. I'm so sorry for what I did to you.
Rachel: I think you are too late for that. It took me 3 years. 3 fucking years to get over you. You had me in a deep depression. And then you had to go and cheat on me because I couldn't spend time with you because of my job that I love so much. No. And you are too late. You don't stand a chance.
Eric: Rachel pl—-
Rachel: No Eric!!! I'm done with you!! Now I suggest you leave before I call the cops.
Eric: Fine. But this isn't over.
Rachel: Oh I believe it was 3 years ago you son of a bitch.

Rachel POV
He leaves. We all go inside my house and so much anger is inside me.

Bethanie: Rach, are you okay?

I tried to remain calm, but I can't.

Rachel: I'm not okay!! My ex!! My fucking ex!! Just randomly shows up and tries to think he is gonna win me back. No way in hell he will!! Ugh!!!

Danny sits next to me and rubs my back.

Danny: It's okay baby.
Rachel: And how did he know where I live? That's what I wanna know.

Here's another thing, when we were together we lived together. Once we broke up, I moved out and got my own place.

Bethanie: I have no idea. I was here minding my own business and he shows up asking for you. And I told him that you wasn't in. And he asks if he could come in to wait. But I knew something didn't feel right about him and I said no. And we started arguing.
Rachel: Ugh!!

I can't believe what is happening. I'm so upset.

Danny: Should I leave?
Rachel: No don't. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I'm sorry for getting angry.
Danny: No it's fine. Are you gonna be okay?
Rachel: Yeah. I should be.
Danny: Do you have cameras here?
Rachel: No.
Danny: You need cameras here. Because I have a feeling he's gonna come back here and you need proof if he trespasses again.
Bethanie: Yeah Rach.
Danny: I have a friend that works with security cameras and he can hook you up.
Rachel: You don't have to do that.
Danny: I want too. To keep you safe and protected.
Bethanie: On top of that, I'll be moving out to my own place soon.
Rachel: You found a place?
Bethanie: Yep. And we don't want you to get hurt.
Rachel: True.

I see Danny go in his pocket and hands me a key.

Rachel: What is this?
Danny: A key to my place. It's a gated area. I want you to have it and you can come over anytime. I'll put in your phone my address and pin code.

He puts the address and pin code to his place in my phone.

Danny: I'm gonna go phone my friend about the security system. Excuse me.

Danny steps out to make the call and Bethanie sits next to me. It's really sweet that Danny is doing this, but it's a bit too much.

Bethanie: How are you?
Rachel: I'm good. I'll be fine hopefully.
Bethanie: Moving on. Tell me about your date with Danny last night. How was it?

I tell her everything. The dinner, what we talked about, and us sleeping together again.

Bethanie: Okkkkkuuuurrr. Get it girl.
Rachel: Hahaha. It was memorable and special.
Bethanie: Is there gonna be a second date?
Rachel: I hope so. We are planning to meet each other's families.
Bethanie: That's exciting.

Danny comes back in.

Danny: Okay, my friend said he can come over in an hour.
Rachel: Geez.
Danny: Baby, come on now. I want to keep you safe and I don't want to loose you.

He kisses my forehead and hugs me.

Rachel: Okay. Can you stay till your friend comes?
Danny: Sure.
Rachel: Let me unpack everything and call Jacob. Even though he's gonna be pissed most of the time.

I call Jacob and told him about my date with Danny. He was so happy for me. And then I told him about Eric. And yes he was pissed. So calm him down and told him that Danny talked to one of his friends to get me a security system. He's glad that he did, but he's mad that Eric showed up to my house.
An hour later, Danny's friend arrived. He put cameras everywhere. The kitchen, living room, my room, even outside of the place and they are all hidden to where you don't even know they are hidden. And are on 24/7. He even set up an app on my phone for me to call emergency for anything and I can keep watch of my house even when I'm away. I hope this helps me a lot.

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