I'm Sorry

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Chapter 57


Always a pleasure seeing Ares. At least I knew how he really felt; I was a disrespectful, big mouth, selfish, useless, and clueless brat.

Oh, and a child.


Gareth had faith in me. I wasn't going to make him regret giving it to me. But first I needed clothes. My mom had apparently dressed me in a white tank top and grey boxer shorts. I had bandages wrapped around my stomach, chest, and thighs.

It was snowing. In August?

Stars filled the night sky. The park was covered in a thick blanket of white. Statutes peeked out under their new white caps. Footsteps and paw prints crisscrossed each other around the labyrinth of paths. Aside from the brown of the denuded trees, the only other color was the vivid saffron staining around the base of each lamppost, tree, and shrub.

I got a lot of confused faces staring at my half-naked self calmly walking in Sub-Zero weather. Barefoot no less. Thank God for my fire element.

Two miles and a hopped fence later, I was standing in front of a dark oak steel door. The glass had a unique pattern with patina accents. Through the glass I saw a light flip on and the door opened, "Freya?! What are you doing out there? Get inside," Vanessa said moving aside to let me in. I had clearly woken her up from her sleep by her bedroom slippers and floor-length, silk, cream nightgown.

"I know its late," I said bending all the water out of my clothes and steam drying myself. "But I need a favor."

"Are you okay? No's heard from you and Cecilia in months," Vanessa said shutting the door behind me.

"Months?" I repeated confused.

"It's the middle of October." I'd been asleep for two months. Two months of doing nothing.

"I need to get a hold of Damon." I had a lot I needed to tell him, and I didn't have any more time to waste.

"I'll call him for you" she said reaching into her robe pocket pulling out a cell phone. We stood in silence as she put the phone on speakerphone. We listened to it ring.

Voicemail. Great.

"I'll try again. He could be on a mission," Vanessa hypothesized with worry in her big green eyes

"The world is ending," I stressed. What was more important? Voicemail. "Wait, I thought the Brotherhood suspended all missions?"

"There's too much civil unrest," Vanessa explained.

"Because of The Order?" I asked.

"No, Shades, Sphinxes, Cyclops, Chimeras, Empusa, Minotaurs. Darkness is pouring into every corner of the Earth. Everyone, Brotherhood and Order are non-stop trying to put out fires."

"Their working together?" I smiled.

"No, God no, but there is a kind of understanding? Nothing official. I think there just too busy to fight each other," she said calling Damon again.

"Any idea when he may be back?"

"No, uumm madam may be able to get a hold of Alaric?" She said hanging up and trying a new number.

"You don't have it?"

"I do. He's just... in a bad place," she said perplexed.

"Because of Cecelia? She's fine," I think. Ares took her too. If I could crawl my way up from death, she had to be fine.

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