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Chapter 30


"You're not helping," I said, ten chapters into Mythology: Timeless Tale of Gods and Heroes by Edith Hamilton. I liked the book Athena gave me, but this had pictures and I was averaging six hours in the Order's library.

"I could be doing a thousand other things, killer. Like training, earning my ticket to Elysium," Anson said kicking up his feet on the long, Cherry Wood table. He wore a black leather vest and leather pants with cowboy boots. To be honest, the more I started to hang out with Anson, the more I started to realize he kind of dressed like Matthew McConaughey from Magic Mike. I guess the look he's always going for is stripper and Rockstar. I didn't like the new nickname he gave me. You kill one god, and no one lets you forget it.

"No one gets to Elysium with the promise of it," I said quoting Gareth.

"I guess not since you killed Cronus, there's no one ruling the hero's paradise." I rolled my eyes and went back to my book.

"I feel like helping me kill Poseidon would earn you a spot in Elysium," I said.

"Or in Tartarus right next to him." A fair assumption.

A couple weeks had past and we were finally in August. I still wasn't allowed at Haven, but Gareth continued to train me. Every morning we would meet on the beach and I would run a couple miles, do some strength training, some self-defense, Elemental training and of course, hand to hand combat. Gareth wanted me to have some hand-eye coordination before he put a sword in my hand, but we were working on that with pool noodles. Because nothing screams intimidating like getting hit with a noodle. After our training, I pretty much had the day to myself. I didn't want to stay in the house with Cecilia, so I came to The Orders mansion and started to research as much as I could about Erebus and Nyx. The only catch was that was I had to get Roman and The Ministry's approval to be here. They had agreed, I just had to be 'escorted' by someone. That person always ended up being Anson.

Damon was still training with Hercules at Haven. I rarely saw him anymore because if he wasn't training, he was patrolling Haven or sleeping. It felt like he never had any free time and when he did, I knew he was exhausted. So any hope I had a date flew out the window. But I wasn't letting that get me down, we would eventually, I just had to be patient. Even though in the back of my mind, I kept thinking Cecilia and Alaric go on dates. They pretty much spent at least five hours a day together. It was adorable and picturesque. I was blinded by raging jealousy. But again, I just had to remind myself my time would come. I didn't know when, but it would eventually have to come.

Right? It's fine. I'm fine? It's fine.

Vvvvvzzzzttt vvvzzzttt vvvzzzttt

My phone was going off in my hoodie pocket. I kept things simple on my training days, which was everyday but Sunday because rest. A hoodie, leggings and a pair of tennis shoes was good enough for me. I had no one to impress because Damon wasn't around.

I picked up my phone Gareth had given me. I didn't have that many contacts outside of Vanessa, Cecilia, Damon, Anson, and Alaric.

Unknown number.


I opened up the message and read:

Heard you killed Cronus. Would love to get all the details over drinks. Can't stand being around The Descendants anymore need some real company. Seven at Hakkasan, Las Vegas. You haven't lived until you've been there with me.

First off, how did he get this number? And secondly, that didn't sound like an invitation, it sounded like a demand. Just as I was about to text Hercules no thanks, I stopped myself. Maybe now was the time to actually sit down and talk to Hercules.

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