More Rain

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Chapter 3


"Is that everyone?" I called out to Leo.

"It doesn't matter; we're at capacity anyway," Milo said.

All throughout Haven there were safe zones put into place. If the school was ever under attack, everyone was to get to one of the safe zones. Normally The Brotherhood would make a sweep of the campus starting with The Elders and children, then work our way to the main part of campus. It was easier tonight because most of the campus was in the gymnasium.

We were about to be sealed off in the underground safe room towards the back of campus, on the football field. As soon as the alarm went off, all the main safe areas opened; the football field, the Clock Tower, and the library. The children had a safe room under their playground towards the back of their dorms and The Elders had a safe room inside of their mansion. We were currently trying to squeeze as many people into the football field as possible. It would only be a matter of minutes before the wave hit us.

My biggest concern was making sure Cecilia was safe. She had to be one of the first people to make it to the Clock Tower. We would be fine.

"Has anyone seen Freya?" I asked.

"No, not since she disappeared on the dance floor. She said something about going to the bathroom, but it's been over an hour," Leo said.

Freya! I got nothing from her. Fuck it. Damon? I said reaching out.

Still here. He said sounding like he just got the shit beat out of him.

Is Freya with you? I asked.

No. Alaric she's hurt. I can feel it. Damon said with strain in his voice. I felt fine. Why? After our rescue operation, I remember feeling like I was going to die when Achlys started to suck Damon's soul out. Was I losing my connection to Freya?

"Let's close it up," Milo said walking down the stone stairs.

"NO! Just wait a second." Once the field was sealed off it wasn't going to open for another thirty-six hours. Whoever was left up top would be trapped up here alone.

"We can't put everyone in danger for one life," Leo said with a serious tone I had never heard him use before.

"Every life is important," I said knowing I was about to do the stupidest thing possible. Freya is my friend...and sister in arms? Not a hundred percent on that last one, but she is my friend. Freya would help anyone of us if the situation was reversed.

Taking a deep breath, I started to walk away from the field when I heard Milo and Leo call out to me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone running. There were still people up here?

"Wait! We got one more!" I said watching the guy with dark features book it across campus. He had better hurry up Milo and Leo weren't playing around about shutting the door. He sprinted past me, and for a second I thought I saw... Freya's book.

No. It can't be.

"Hey! HEY" I said chasing after him, but he didn't stop or acknowledge that I was even here. I finally tackled him from behind getting him to the ground. I snatched the book out of his hand and saw this was indeed Freya's book. "Hey motherfucker! Where did you get this from?"

With a deadness in his eyes and voice he said, "Just go, just go," he repeated over and over again.

The fuck? Was he mental or... No, he was under a compulsion. Could Freya compel people?

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