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"Piece of shit!" Lauryn spat as her fist met with one of Tall Boy's blood-sealed eyelids for the second time, hearing the unpleasant whack of her brass knuckles against his skin. 

"That's it, Lauryn," FP urged her, holding Tall Boy upright by his shoulders in the chair he'd previously been questioned sat in. "Give him hell."

Sweet Pea watched with anticipation, and also worry as he saw his girlfriend push her limits further than he'd seen her do in a long time, and he was trying to pick the right moment to step in and stop it.

"We all trusted you, asshat," Lauryn continued, preparing her fist for another blow. "Yet you went behind Serpent backs to get in bed with the Ghoulies. You tried to deal off my damn kid!"

"You shouldn't have gone and made one, then," Tall Boy riposted bitterly, spitting a mouthful of blood in her direction afterwards. Her eyes set ablaze, and she smacked straight into his jaw which let out a loud crack. The man merely laughed, a gruff flem echoing in his throat. "That all you got?"

Lauryn reciprocated the humour, shaking her head. "No. I thought I'd have some decency for an old friend."

"Shame Skye isn't here to see this," Tall Boy jeered, grinning a display of teeth coated in blood as he managed to open his eyes a crack to see her properly. "She'd love watching you make a fool of yourself?"

"A fool of myself?" she retorted. "Who's the one in the chair?"

He didn't respond to her, and the sound of his ragged breathing irritated her. She took ahold of his creased jacket, shaking him against the chair. "I can't hear you, Tall Boy! Who's in the damn chair?!"

"Easy, Lauryn," Sweet Pea said, and she ignored him completely. 

Out of control, she used both hands to hack at Tall Boy's face, and FP stuck his arm out in front of her. "That'll do, Doll."

She continued despite his objection, and it was as if she couldn't hear anything over the sound of the violence she was creating. Sweet Pea stepped forward, pulling her back by her arms despite her attempts at breaking free.

"Get the fuck off of me!" she lashed out, using all of her strength to yank back her freedom, but it didn't prevail. She kicked and flailed about, but holding her was an effortless thing for Sweet Pea. "I'm not done."

"The hell you're not!" Sweet Pea argued, and she let out a growl. "That's enough."

FP slipped in front of her, helping Sweet Pea to hold her still. "Hey, hey, listen to me!"

She looked at him but her face was still infuriated, and she looked more like a hostile animal than a person. "You told me to give him hell!"

"And you sure as hell did," FP told her. "But you need to calm down."

"He's right," Sweet Pea agreed, feeling the tension in her shoulders ease up. "You're gonna hurt yourself."

"I'll make sure this asshole can't walk for a long time, hell, yeah, I will," FP promised her. "But you've shown him our sanction book, and enough's enough."

Lauryn shook her way out of Sweet Pea's captivity, hanging her head ashamedly. She huffed, shaking her head as she stared at the floor. She looked up to give another excuse when a wave of nausea sealed up her throat, and she darted for the bathroom as subtly as she could to make it in time.

Sweet Pea let out a sigh. He knew exactly what was going on. "Damn it."

FP frowned, his gaze diverting back to Sweet Pea after hearing the door slam. "She still sick?"

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