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(this image is satire i swear)


"Sweet Pea..." Lauryn stuttered, her hand covering her mouth as the world around stopped turning all because of the little stick in her hand showing two lines. "It's positive..." 

It wasn't the result Sweet Pea wanted to hear, and he swallowed hard, the dread turning into regret. Noticing how she was trembling, he took her hand, yanking her into his grasp. "Come here."

"What do we do?" Lauryn asked him, her arms latching onto him for security.

"What do you want to do?" he asked her, pulling away to look at her pretty face. He tucked her hair behind her ears. "This is your decision, and I'll support whatever you choose."

"Well," she began, taking a breath to clear her mind, but it did all but that. "The timing isn't great, and we've got no money. But, on the other hand, I don't think I'd be able to sleep at night knowing I've got a kid growing up somewhere in the world."

Sweet Pea blinked, and he knew for sure that in that moment, his entire life changed. "We're gonna be parents."

"I'm sorry," Lauryn told him for the millionth time, fearing more than anything that he was going to walk out on her. "I know you don't want this."

"No, stop," he shook his head, stroking her hair gently. "And stop apologising. It's gonna be okay."

"I can't do this, I'm scared," she backed away from him in fear, wishing one of the lines on the test would miraculously disappear, but it was still clear. "This wasn't meant to happen. I-"

"No, you can. I'm going to help you, okay?" he cut her off, taking the test out of her hand and looking at it for himself, and just when he didn't think it could get any more real, it did. "This is legit. Wow."

"What will they think of me at school?" she worried, glancing at herself in the mirror as she floated into a world of her own worries. "When I start to show?"

He placed his hands on her waist from behind, kissing her on the cheek. "Just go in when you feel like it, you know I'm happy to ditch with you whenever."

Another bullet of fear collided with her gut, and she thought about what her closest friends would think. "How am I going to tell Fangs?"

"What's the worst that could happen?"

"Him hating me."

"Come on, you know that's not even a possibility," he convinced her, turning her around. "You're his little sister, he could never hate you. Besides, it's not like he was mad when I told him I had a suspicion."

His girlfriend let out a sigh, unable to put a stop to the irrational thoughts bombarding her head. "I'm gonna take another test, just to make sure we're not worrying about nothing."

"Yeah, good idea."

As they sat on the couch waiting for the result, there was a chilling silence as both of them tried to plan the future in their heads simultaneously, but neither could imagine anything which was to come. 

Sweet Pea decided to break the ice first after minutes had passed, but there weren't many topics he could think of. "So, uh, do you wanna talk about what happened with Malachai?"

"Not really," Lauryn responded, her eyes still fixated on the carpet in front of her. "But, sure. Anything to make time go faster right now."

"What did he do to you?" was his first question, and the one which got his blood boiling the most since he didn't know the details, and it was all up to his imagination which wasn't working properly. 

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