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"Go get 'em, Angel Face!" Sweet Pea cheered at his longtime crush, Lauryn "Angel Face" Fogarty as she lunged at the Ghoulies in a fistfight, a rare thing to witness as she was a younger Serpent, smaller than some of the others. However, this time, a certain spark took hold of her, and she was more than eager to take part in a standoff.

"You're going the hell down, you bastards!" she spat, taunting them with her glare, waiting for the next one to take her on. "Come on!"

The Serpents and the Ghoulies would always have riots and street races, illegally of course, but never would Lauryn Fogarty, the younger half-sister of Fangs Fogarty take part in a fight.

She'd been provoked by them to her wit's end, and it was time for the tables to turn. The fight was strictly no weapons, and so a lot of kicks and punches were being thrown back and forth.

Her long dirty-blonde hair was blowing slightly in the cool evening wind, causing the beads of hot sweat on her forehead to roll down her face. She stood firm on the tarmac road, fists bruising and knees stinging. Her hazel eyes showed an orange tint in them representing the unnatural feeling of bloodlust sitting in her gut.

Her overconfidence was now driving her recklessly out of control and she felt victory creeping up her shoulders faster and faster, the sweet image of her gang praising her for the win motivating her to see this through until she was the last one standing.

She took a quick glance at her friends, particularly Sweet Pea, to make sure they were still watching her but when she looked back, the Ghoulies' leader Malachai was right in her face, staring her down with the dirtiest smirk he was capable of.

She punched him in the jaw and he stumbled back for a moment before coming back at her, holding her by the teeth of her jacket with an evil grin as she felt a cold metal kiss puncturing her skin just centimetres under her left lung, and her eyes widened in horror as she realised what it was.

Malachai retreated his knife briskly, causing her to let out a gasp and clutch the wound which was gushing with blood immediately, soaking the white tank top underneath her Serpent jacket. She cried out in agony, which Sweet Pea physically felt in his chest, and he felt his heart drop as she turned towards him and the others.

As the Ghoulies began to flee the scene, Lauryn stood weakly, trying to apprehend what had happened to her before she felt her legs weakening. Her friends rushed forward, and Sweet Pea supported her fall as her eyes met with his. He'd never seen so much fear in her eyes before, and his breath started to shake. "Lauryn! Oh, fuck."

Fangs helped in supporting her on the road, his heart racing at a million eyes per hour as Sweet Pea lifted her onto his lap.

The tallest got up so fast that he nearly staggered over, sprinting after Malachai and the other Ghoulies who were running away and cheering with glee down the road. His aim was to get ahold of the Ghoulie who'd played dirty, and make sure he'd never see the light of day again.

"Sweet Pea, no, come back!" Toni, Lauryn's best friend shrieked after him and he suddenly stopped with the realisation of what he was doing, looking down at his blood-coated jewellery clad hands. He watched until the rival gang was almost out of sight before turning back towards the crowd which had gathered around Lauryn.

His lungs burning with exhaustion, he dropped to his knees beside Lauryn whose face was losing all colour, and his face crumbled with anguish as he panicked.

"Have you called 9-1-1?!" he asked fretfully before hushing her as she screamed in panic, unable to say any audible words. She couldn't speak between her ragged breathing, but she managed to reach for his hand which she grasped as tightly as she could manage.

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