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Lauryn's eyes opened, and she wondered if she'd even slept. She sat up, her mouth dry and her head feeling weightless. It was dark outside, and a part of her wondered if she'd quantum jumped.

Yawning, she slid her way out of the warmth under the quilt, steadying herself onto her feet as she was pestered by a headrush. A faint smell wafted into her nostrils, and she could then hear the sound of pots clanging about in the kitchen.

She opened the bedroom door, spotting Sweet Pea across the trailer with a tea towel draped over his shoulder, busying about by the stove as well as making several trips to the table. The cupboards were open, and the counters were covered.

Lauryn giggled when she saw him, plodding her way into his view tiredly. "Something smells good."

"You're awake," he smiled, kissing her. "How'd you sleep?"

"I don't remember," she said dryly, chuckling to herself. "But after the weeks I've had, that's a good thing. Need any help?"

"Nope," he replied, head-gesturing at the table. "Water there for you. I wanna see that cup empty."

She picked up the glass which was sat on the table, its icy residue dampening her fingers. "Not gonna be a problem. It feels like I was in a coma. How long was I out for?"

"Nine hours, at least," Sweet Pea told her, his focus on the boiling pot in front of him. "It's a start. I was gonna wake you up to eat something anyway."

"Good," she said after downing the whole glass. "I'm starving."

He looked up at her, somewhat astonished. "Really?"

She nodded. It felt strange to be awake and not feel overrun by nausea every time she opened her mouth to speak, but she wouldn't dare complain.

"Well," he began, setting out some plates on the counter next to him. I guess we'll see if you don't run for the bathroom in ten minutes."

"I doubt I will," she insisted confidently, sitting down at the table before yawning again. "I really needed that."

"I know you did."

"Thanks for not giving up on me."

A plate appeared in front of her, followed by a kiss on her forehead. Sweet Pea sat down next to her, his bangs fallen over his eyes. He smiled at her, handing her a fork. "I knew you could do it."

As they began to eat, Lauryn's stomach churned, and she suddenly felt uneasy. She slowed down, taking in some water before trying to continue. Sweet Pea acknowledged her struggle, his hand covering hers which had tensely curled into a ball.

"If you need to stop," he said. "It's okay."

Unpursing her lips, Lauryn picked up her fork again, unwilling to accept defeat. She shook her head. "No. I got this. The baby needs me to try."

Sweet Pea's heart melted as he felt her hand loosen, and he gazed into her eyes while she picked at the pasta on her plate. "I am so in love with you right now."

She blushed, looking up at him. Swallowing a mouthful, she giggled. "I have sauce on my cheeks."

"Part of the package," he shrugged, wiping it off of her face with his thumb before looking it off. "Feels like yesterday when I was doin' this the last time. Day we found out you were pregnant."

"I still can't believe that was months ago," she reminisced, the conversation undoubtedly helping her to ignore the uncomfortable feeling her stomach was complaining to her about.

"Time flies," Sweet Pea said.

"It does," she agreed. "But, I can't say I'm having fun."

"Hey," he responded, picking up on her morose deflation. "You're doing great, okay? Only three more months of this, or so, and it's done."

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