Chapter : 3 C

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Please give inline comments for my story that help me to write the story.. This is a request to all my friends & viewers... Guys please do comments, if you like the story, the response is hell disappointing, this is the last warning or else say bye bye to me forever. I got tired of giving warnings, you will never understand writer feeling.....

Try to do long comment for my story please friends... this is a request to you all my viewers....

Alpha And Her Mate Beta

Chapter : 3 C

They move to them after saying bid bye to them and enter into the car and starts the car and the car started moving and left from that place....

Manik was driving the car and Nandini was sitting beside him and hearing the music and nodding her head like a child... other's are chit chatting...

In otherside

Gamma werewolf master was looking Nandini and her friends in the power screen, to know what they are doing...

That time Harshad came there and look at his father who was busy in watching the rare werewolf each and every step...

"Dad everything ready what you said to me... I do that perfectly... this time everything will happen perfectly dad,nothing go in wrong way..."Harshad say to his dad, having evil smirk on his face....

"If we reached that.. we can't able to to anything... we want to stop them... if we can't able to stop them, we will find those staff and not gain power from the white werewolf.. we have to stop them..." His father say to him, without look at him....

"Don't worry dad this time everything will done perfectly" Harshad replied to his dad while facing his back...

"This time wrong will happen, everything will go out of our hand... I will not leave all of you.. do you get that.. Becareful while handling the white rare werewolf... she is more powerful than us..." he says to him having anger on his voice...

"Don't worry dad I will take care of it... this time everything will happen as our wish dad" Harshad says to him, evily smirked...

In otherside

The journey was going happy and smooth... the smiling was dancing on everyone face including Nandini face also...

Suddenly smile is vanished from Nandini from her face after feeling something different... Nandini sense that something bad is going to happen...

Manik sense that his mate become sad all of sudden... he look at Nandini...

"Baby what happened? Are you okay..." Manik ask this on his mind worriedly because that only Nandini able to talk to him through her mind talking power, his friends not hear their conversation...

Nandini hear his mind talk and shook her head and look at him...

"I feel something different, I feel something bad is going to happen... I don't know why Manik" Nandini think this on her mind and Manik hear that...

"Dont worry baby,I am with you... nothing will happen... I am always there for you..." Manik think this, holding her hand, giving assurance to her...

Nandini hear that nods her positively to him and gave a smile to him... Manik get relief after seeing her smile....

Manik was driving continuously, all of sudden he push the break... All of them scared by that...

"Manik go slow... we are hear only... in fact your mate also hear only..." Cabir say this teasingly... Manik gave a glare to him... I hear that and blushed...

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